Title: 親水性堤岸設計原則之建立
Establishment of Design Principles of Promenade Seawalls
Authors: 黃美琪
mei-chi Huang
Yi-Yu Kuo
Hsien-Kuo Chang
Keywords: 親水性;堤岸;promenade;seawall
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 親水性堤岸為兼顧堤岸遊憩功能、工程安全性而與自然環境相調和之海岸結構物,現今建造此種多功能親水性的堤岸設施,已成必然的趨勢,因此如何建立兼顧遊憩行為、景觀美化及工程安全的親水性堤岸之原則和方法實為當務之急。本文主要的研究目的為建立親水性堤岸的基本設計原則,作為往後做親水性堤岸的海岸工程從事者能有所因循和參考。
Promenade seawalls are increasingly accepted for people in Taiwan. So far, that less information and researches about constructing promenade seawalls can be obtained in Taiwan results in less promenade seawalls being found here. Therefore, it is important to establish guidelines to build a promenade seawall under consideration of both landscape and engineering factors.
In the research procedures, the first step is to set up the database of photos collected from native and abroad examples. In the second step, the activities on seawalls or coast are distinguished into four groups. Seven kinds of seawalls are also classified by suitable activity, engineering and landscape factors. We connect the need of activity on seawalls to activity supply of the seawalls and establish guidelines to build a promenade seawall. Finally, we propose promenade seawalls in Hsin-Chu Coast by the established guidelines as a practical example.
Appears in Collections:Thesis