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dc.contributor.authorShin-Cheng Maen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr.Fu-Ping Chengen_US
dc.description.abstract牆開口對剛構架之影響 研究生:馬心正 指導教授 : 鄭復平 博士 國立交通大學土木工程研究所 摘 要 房屋結構進行結構設計與分析時,牆常常被忽略。但是牆的存在會造成結構中樑、柱之受力情形產生改變。當強震來襲時,牆的存在與否,會嚴重影響梁柱的受力情況,造成樑或柱產生軸壓的脆性破壞。既然牆對於結構物會提供部份的勁度而影響樑與柱的受力狀況;當牆開口後,會使樑與柱的受力情形更為複雜,要如何將它考慮至鋼筋混凝土的構架中呢?本文將針對牆開口後,對剛構架產生之影響來作分析。 本研究以Sap2000 程式來分析各種不同開口寬度位於牆不同的位置,對柱桿件所造成彎矩與剪力之影響;由分析結果可得知,當牆開口,受外力作用時,在結構模型中,柱桿件左下方接點,彎矩增加最大; 柱桿件右下方接點,剪力增加最大。當開口寬度距離左側柱2.5m時,改變開口寬度對柱桿件的彎矩與剪力增加最大,往兩側移動時,逐漸減小。 Ιzh_TW
dc.description.abstractEffect of RC Wall Opening to Member Force Distribution of Rigid Frame Student : Shin-Cheng Ma Advisor : Fu-Ping Cheng Department of Civil Engineering National Chiao-Tung University Abstract The effect of the existing of walls is always ignored in the building design. But the existence of the walls will cause a significant influence in the member forces. Once the earthquake occurs, the existence of the walls will seriously effect the forces in beams and columns , and cause the brittle fracture by the axial force in column .The walls with opening will make the forces in beams and columns more complex. This study will focus on the analysis of the effect of RC wall opening to the member force distribution in rigid frame. This research analyzes the effect of various opening width and various location of the wall opening to the moments and shears by SAP2000. From the results of analysis show that the moment of left column at the height of the bottom of the opening will get largest value , but the largest shear will occur at the right column at saw height. The moment and shear with opening at center position have largest value. Ⅱen_US
dc.subjectopening wallen_US
dc.titleEffect of RC Wall Opening to The Member Force Distribution of Rigid Frameen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis