Title: 地質圖之自動化製作探討
A Study on the Computerized Generation of Geological Mapping
Authors: 薛維欣
Wei-Shin Shiue
Yii-Wen Pan
Keywords: 等高線;數值地形模型;地質圖;B-Spline參數式;不規則三角網資料結構;模型;區域重心座標法;contours;digital terrain model;Geological Map;B-Spline;triangulated irregular network;modeling
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 等高線與數值地形模型之應用,向來為各類土木工程規劃設計所不可或缺的基本技術,本研究引用數值地形模型之概念,將地形面資料以Natural Neighbor Proximal Order排序法建構出唯一之地形空間曲面網格產生數值地形面,並以區域重心座標法內插等高線繪製地形圖。同時,由露頭量測或者鑽孔資料所得之位態條件,以幾何方程式以及曲面參數式B-Spline內插法建構出單斜構造、理想對稱褶皺、一般不規則曲面以及斷層構造等地層面模型,應用兩種模型的空間關係以求得地層面露頭線,繪製地質圖及剖面圖。利用Visual Basic語言來研擬出一可行的資料結構及運算流程,以期建立一具完整性的地質圖自動化製作功能程式。
This study aims to study the possibility to generate geological maps by computerized methods. To begin with, a unique surface grid with "natural neighbor proximal order" and contour are constructed from digital terrain model (DTM). Furthermore, the geological formation models (such as monoclines, folds, and faults) are constructed by geometric functions or B-Spline interpolation. The construction of a geological model will make use of bedding information including orientations data from outcrops and rock-cores. From the DTM and the geological model, it is then possible to obtain the geologic boundaries (or contact lines), and to draw a geological map or profile. Using the above-mentioned concepts, a computer program is developed to construct geological maps for practical usage.
The presented work makes uses of the B-Spline to simulate complex formations. The following approach can be carried out. First, a grid representing the feature of a bedding boundary (of the geological formation) is constructed. Subsequently, the model of a non-planar bedding boundary can be constructed by the parametric interpolation. The geological map then can be obtained by overlaying the contour representing the DTM and all geological boundaries (bedding boundaries) on a same map. The grid values obtained from B-Spline and parametric interpolation generally fit the feature of the geologic boundaries. The presented method is found suitable for modeling part of the geologic boundaries, and is more flexible while adjusting between geologic boundaries.
Appears in Collections:Thesis