Title: 軟弱岩石孔內試驗
Borehole Tests in Softs Rocks
Authors: 簡慶賢
Ching-Shyan Jean
An-Bin Huang
Keywords: 軟弱岩石;鑽孔千斤頂試驗;鑽孔剪力試驗;平板載重試驗;soft rock;borehole jack test;borehole shear test;plate loading test
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 軟弱岩石普遍具有固結差、膠結不良、遇水軟化之特性。由於岩層取樣過程對岩樣本身之組織構造可能已造成破壞,而且軟弱岩石中可能存在裂縫、互層與節理,造成取回之岩樣施作室內試驗時,試驗結果十分混亂,很難歸納出其力學性質與工程參數,所以量取極軟弱岩層性質比較理想的方法是使用現地試驗方法,因其可以量測缺陷對整個岩體的影響,而且可避免取樣擾動之問題。
Soft rocks have the characteristics of weak and poorly cementation. While soaking them in water, the strength will be reduced. The typical rock coring process has a tendency to damage the structure that originally existed in situ. Besides that, soft rocks are likely to contain defects, such as fissures, bedding and joints. Accordingly, the laboratory tests always result in disorderly outputs. Thus, it is hard to obtain the correlation between strength properties and engineering parameters. In situ test is a better method to avoid disturbance and to get engineering properties of soft rocks.
A medium sized, versatile in situ testing device specifically for soft rock has been developed by Huang and Fang (1999). The new device, referred to as the multiple-purpose Borehole Testing Device (BTD), is capable of performing lateral jacking test, direct shear test and plate bearing test at the bottom of a borehole. This research modified the former BTD and a series of tests were performed in soft rocks to determine the radial and longitudinal stress- strain relationships. Test results were complied and compared with those engineering properties derived from highly pressuremeter test, in situ P-S logging test, laboratory ultrasonic test, and triaxial test.
This thesis introduces the characteristics of soft rocks, in situ tests, describes features of BTD, presents the available data obtained from BTD, and discusses their interpretations.
Appears in Collections:Thesis