標題: 全球資訊網在房屋結構設計整合環境之應用
Application of World Wide Web to the Development of Integrated Environment for Building Structure Design
作者: 陳炯熹
Chung-Hsi Chen
Dr. Shih-Lin Hung
關鍵字: 全球資訊網;網際網路;網路通訊協定;房屋結構設計;整合環境;鋼結構設計;非監督式模糊類神經網路;World Wide Web;Internet;Network Communication Protocal;Building Structure Design;Integrated Environment;Steel Structure Design;Unsupervised Fuzzy Neural Network
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 傳統房屋結構設計環境中,每個設計步驟均運用不同的電腦程式來輔助設計,各程式擁有特定的輸出入文件格式且可能分布在不同電腦上,所以在不同設計步驟間進行工作轉換時,常需耗費人力在資料格式轉換和資料傳遞等繁瑣的工作上,因此,整合結構設計流程中各步驟所使用的電腦輔助設計程式是提昇結構設計效率所一直努力的方向。本研究以全球資訊網為基礎,建立一個結構設計之網路整合環境,以整合不同的輔助設計程式,藉由開發資料格式轉換介面和網路溝通介面,使結構設計資料可自動進行格式轉換,並在不同電腦間進行網路傳輸以串接不同的設計步驟;另外,利用全球資訊網建構整合環境之使用者介面,讓使用者只需透過瀏覽器連上該全球資訊網,就可進行房屋結構設計,使得結構設計的空間擴大到整個網際網路。本研究初期選擇初步設計和結構分析兩步驟為整合之標的,初步設計選擇非監督式模糊類神經網路(UFN)作為輔助設計程式,結構分析則選擇套裝軟體ETABS,最後利用一個鋼結構設計實例來驗證此房屋結構設計整合環境的可行性。
The computer-aided building structure design process involves several different computer programs and software that might be distributed among different platforms (computers). Meanwhile, the associated input and output files of the programs have their own specific format. Consequently, much human resource on the tasks of file format transformation and data transmitting consumes. This work presents an integrated environment based on World Wide Web containing a file format transforming interface and a network communication interface for integrating different programs to increase the efficiency of building structure design. In which, the World Wide Web user interface makes human engineers perform their structure design projects through Internet and expands the environment of structure design to the Internet. Herein, two stages, preliminary design and structure analysis, are implemented in the model to investigate the performance of the integrated WWW environment and they are performed through the unsupervised fuzzy neural network (UFN) and ETABS programs, respectively. Finally, a steel structure design example is employed to demonstrate the ability of the integrated WWW environment for building structure design.
Appears in Collections:Thesis