標題: 結構物資料庫視覺化查詢系統VRML介面
作者: 廖健羽
Jian-Yu Liau
Chang-You Lin
關鍵字: 虛擬實境模式語言;網際網路;結構設計圖;關連式資料庫;動態伺服器網頁;VRML;internet;structual design chart;relational database;Active Server Pages
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 本研究的目的,其一在嘗試將VRML視覺化的操作模式觀念,引入傳統的資料庫查詢中,提供大眾使用者查詢介面另一種新的新的選擇;其二是企圖將結構設計圖檔,從傳統的紙張圖形數位化,方便保存、複製與流通;其三是思考設計圖中特徵轉換的可行性,將原本是圖形的資料,以欄位與數值來表示,特徵明顯的程度越高,越容易達成轉換的目標。根據上述三個目的,茲建立了 ” VRML介面結構物視覺化資料庫查詢系統 ”,作為達成研究目的重要的一環。 吾人認為,透過網際網路,使用者可自這世界上的任何地方,只要透過一般的電話線或申請專線,就能夠查到符合查詢條件的資料,不受空間上的限制。而且當網際網路正興盛的今日,無論任何作業系統,都有該系統瀏覽器的版本出現,如此一來本系統將不會在被限制在公司內部、或某些特定的電腦上;另外將結構設計圖與配筋圖等數位化之後,可以利用定期的備份與複製,被儲存在壽命長達數十年的儲存媒體上,例如磁帶機或MO。而且隨著科技的進步,單位面積的資料儲存量以驚人的速度在提昇當中,這一點對資料數位化是大大的有利。最後,VRML在編輯時與維護上都相當容易,使用任何文字編輯器皆可以撰寫或修改;加上學習容易、操作簡單等優點,成為本研究中使用者介面的最佳選擇。
In this research, we want to achieve the following target. First, we try to use the conception for VRML user interface in visual operation, to offer the users a new choice to inquire data in database. Second, we attempt to digitalize the design drawing drawn on the paper traditionally because the digital data is easy to be preserved, copied and circulated. Third, it is feasible to transfer the data from design drawing to values in column. When the specifications are clearer, transferring data is easier. So we establish this system named ” Visualize Database Inquiry system for Structures in VRML Interface “. It is thought that users can inquire the data conformed with their requirement in everywhere when they connect to the Internet with the telephone line. It will not be restricted that only user in enterprise can operate this system. And now, the Internet is in great demand. The WWW browser is published on every operation system. So that the use of this system is not be restrict to only a few computers in enterprise or indicated ones out of enterprise. On the other hand, the digital data can be store on storage media, like tape or MO, with long life in regular copy and backup or other different ways. And it is an advantage that the capacity in unit surface area is growing up rapidly. The last, because of editing or writing with any kind of text editor, it is easy to be edit and maintained when writing in VRML form. In addition, it is easy to learn and easy to control, so the VRML interface is the best choice in this research.