DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorYu-Chen Linen_US
dc.contributor.authorRong-Kwei Lien_US
dc.description.abstractIC晶圓製造係於晶圓上重覆構建數層電路,每一層電路在完成光罩圖形製版步驟後,不同加工步驟的晶圓將被送至不同區域作進一步的加工,所以黃光區可視為一晶圓配送中心,由於黃光對準機台(Stepper)價格昂貴,故常是半導體製造廠的瓶頸機台,如何充份利用瓶頸機台以發揮最大產能,並降低在製品存量及增加產出,使系統績效達到最高,乃為生產管制的重要目標。然而在現實環境中,為了維持資源最大產出量及達成準時交貨目的下,管理者卻落入強調機台優先順序與不強調機台優先順序之間的衝突。 本論文將擬以限制驅導式排程方法及管理技術為基礎,透過瓶頸機台的WIP管理,排出系統的最佳限制驅導節奏,來引發投料計畫,以保護機台與充份利用瓶頸機台,追求晶圓廠的最大產出。另一方面,針對生產管理的衝突問題,瓶頸的績效評估強調在整體資源績效的有效利用,非瓶頸績效評估則強調在”訂單績效”。亦即以限制驅導式投料節奏搭配正確績效管理,取得準時交貨和最大產出間的最佳平衡。 本研究之驗證工作係於M公司作進行,主要進行投料、派工方法的實務運作。在驗證前使用實際資料計算出瓶頸Stepper機台合理負荷權重及負荷警戒值,以建立投料的考慮參數。並用M公司實際的WIP、機台產能及產品流程等基本資, 以Workstream、SQL、Delphi軟體來控制投料、派工方法的實際執行。實際驗證結果顯示,瓶頸機台產出、全廠生產週期及在製品的平均數及標準差績效表現皆優於驗證前之表現。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn manufacturing line of IC , the structure of device to be made on wafer through repeat processes. All of wafers should be defined patterns at photo process and then delivered to next operational step for processing based on process flow. From manufacturing point of view, photo area would be assigned as a controlling center among wafer processes inside fab. But photo area is always become a bottleneck of manufacturing line because stepper with the highest equipment cost. By the way, fab operation is always suffers from mutual impact between priority of fabrication equipment in order to meet both the maximum throughput and on time delivery simultaneously. So, how to elevate the throughput of steppers and reduce WIP at bottleneck are the key tasks of fab operation. In other words, it’s a key topic to get the top performance of bottleneck or steppers in order to gain the maximum throughput of fab. This study plan to develop a optimal system to do both the proper wafer input and the best drum of WIP at the bottleneck in order to get the maximum output of wafer fab based on drum-buffer-rope production management technology. By the way, this study also try to reduce the mutual impact of production management and target to get balance between on time delivery and the maximum output through both the optimal rope and performance management. In other words, the full utilization of bottleneck and the order performance of non-bottleneck would be emphasized. The confirmation of the optimal system of this study is done in M-company for wafer input and dispatching operation inside fab. Before confirming, the parameter of wafer input is established through calculation of bottleneck’s loading such as stepper’s reasonable weight and warning level based on the distribution of processing wafer in manufacturing line. During the operational confirmation, M-company’s WIP, capacity of equipment and process flow of running products are used for both wafer input and dispatching operation through some running systems or software like workstream, SQL and Delphi. The results of confirmation showed the better performance compared with the original operation regarding the throughput of bottleneck, the cycle time of product, WIP level inside fab. 中文摘要 英文摘要 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 緒論……………………………………………………… 1-1研究背景……………………………………………… 1-2研究目的……………………………………………… 1-3研究範圍……………………………………………… 1-4研究步驟……………………………………………… 第二章 晶圓廠投料及派工法則的構建……………………… 2-1晶圓廠投料及派工法則的構建…………………… 2-1-1黃光區生產作業流程………………………… 2-1-2 機台特性……………………………………… 2-2 派工方法的改善…………………………………… 2-3 投料模式構建………………………………………. 2-4 修正績效指標………………………………………. 第三章 實例驗證……………………………………………… 3-1 M公司的驗證前的生產控制模式………………… 3-2生產環境資料………………………………………. 3-3實例執行過程………………………………………. 3-4模擬結果與分析……………………………………. 第四章 結論與未來研究方向…………………………………. 4.1結論…………………………………………………. 4.2未來研究方向………………………………………… 參考文獻………………………………………………………….. 附錄1 附錄2 附錄3 附錄4en_US
dc.subjectwafer fabricationen_US
dc.subjectproduction activity controlen_US
dc.titleAn Application of TOC for Photolithography Area in Wafer Fabrication Factoryen_US