DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChih-Yi Hsuen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Gwo-Hshiung Tzengen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著開發中國家經濟的成長、全球供應鏈觀念的演進、各區域的經貿交流增加、資訊與通訊科技的進步以及金融與運輸解除管制,企業國際化將是未來的趨勢,而完備的供應鏈體系則成為在此跨地、跨國分工與產業互補的環境下,因應激烈的競爭環境,並且擴展產業商機的致勝關鍵。 對於國內石材業者而言,由於所需的原石仰賴進口,具有石材種類繁多、供應商遍佈全球以及運輸時間過長等產業特性,因此如何滿足訂單,並依此為根據決定工廠的生產排程以及在適當的時間向合適的國外原石廠商下單採購,往往是經營者所需克服的難題。 本研究同時考慮採購、生產以及配送等主要功能,採多目標規劃之手法將三者整合,以最佳化的觀點構建一石材業供應鏈管理系統,於工廠原石庫存容量、工廠生產產能與發貨中心成品庫存容量之限制下,決定採購的下單時機、各原石的進廠加工時程與下游的配送量,以同時追求利潤最大化及最多訂單數兩目標。 經由妥協規劃將模式轉換為單一目標,並利用LINGO軟體針對所設計的個案進行求解,由結果可知,本研究所提出之石材業多目標供應鏈管理規劃模式,可協助經營者作決策,以有效達成原料採購時程、生產排程及產品配送的規劃,改善傳統石材業者總需經由不斷修正錯誤來累積實作的經驗,因而造成時效及資源上浪費的缺失。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractGlobalization is a trend to an enterprise in future as the economic growth of developing countries, evolution of global supply chain management, increasing frequency of international trade, improvement on information and communication technologies, and deregulation of finance and transportation. In such situation, having an exceptional supply chain management system becomes a key factor of success. In Taiwan, most marble imported from aboard, and decision makers in this industry have to know how to satisfy their customers, then do appropriate production schedule and procurement plan. But making decision is very difficult since the marble with variety of sorts and suppliers worldwide. Besides, the leadtime is too long. In order to solve this problem, we construct a model for supply chain management systems in marble industry. Functions of procurement, production, and distribution are considered in it all at once. Multi-objective programming methodology is used in the thesis to integrate the three functions, and two objectives included in the model - maximize the profit and the number of satisfied orders. Therefore, what this model want to do is assisting decision makers to decide when and what quantities of marble needed to be procured, to be manufactured, and goods needed to be distributed to their customers in order to achieve those two objectives under such constrains as capacity of storing material and inventory, and the ability of production for a company. In order to make it easier to solve, these two objectives are integrated in one via methodology of compromise programming, and the software LINGO is used. A design case in the thesis is analyzed. From the result, it shows that the model proposed is work. It provides better decision to managers in more efficient way, and reduces waste on resource in try and error to accumulate experience.en_US
dc.subjectsupply chainen_US
dc.subjectmulti-objective programmingen_US
dc.subjectcompromise programmingen_US
dc.subjectmarble industry.en_US
dc.titleThe Optimal Planning of Supply Chain Management Systems in Marble Industryen_US