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dc.contributor.authorShyue-Tair Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorTai-Sheng Hwangen_US
dc.contributor.authorYuan-Chin Hsuen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來都市停車供需失衡日益嚴重,形成眾人所詬病之停車問題,而政府交通主管機關所面臨之最大問題即在於停車供給與停車需求量之增加相比,往往顯得杯水車薪。因此,若能利用共享停車(Shared Parking)之觀念,將建築物附設停車空間開放公共使用,則可立刻創造部分之停車供給,舒緩停車供需失衡現象。 本論文透過相關法規與建物附設停車空間特性之分析及台北市停車管理處相關同仁之訪談,探討建築物附設停車空間開放公共使用可能遭遇之問題,並針對各項問題提出解決對策構想;此外,亦針對各類停車空間開放公共使用之執行難易與開放效果進行績效評估,進而研擬未來之推動策略。經分析結果,建物附設停車空間開放公共使用遭遇之主要問題為防空避難室兼停車空間不得營業使用、產權型態複雜、缺乏明確負責主體。本研究研擬之推動策略分為兩階段,第一階段為準備期,第二階段為執行期。第一階段著重在政策宣示及為第二階段作準備,主要工作為修訂公寓大廈管理條例及訂定補助辦法等;第二階段為執行期,可以閒置特性較明顯之辦公、住宅型建物為主要對象。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIt has become a more severer problem for drivers to park in city areas comparing years ago due to parking spaces demand is much stronger than supply. Moreover, the increase of the demand is faster than the improvement of supply, which are planned and provided by the responsible government agencies. The Share Parking is to release the regulations required parking spaces, which are attached to buildings, for public use. The created parking spaces can immediately be utilized and relieve this unbalanced demand/supply parking spaces. The methods used in this study were grouped as three directions. The first method is analyzing the characteristics of each building provided parking spaces and its related regulations. Secondly, discussions with my colleagues in the Taipei City Parking Management Agency to identify the potential problems during implementation and providing mitigation plans for various scenarios. The third, lessons learned from evaluations of existing parking lots for its execution process and results, these experience will be referenced for our strategies determination. The analysis found out that the difficulties for attached parking spaces in building open to public are (1) the regulation required emergency/parking spaces can not be used for business, (2) the complicated ownership for the buildings and (3) no responsible entity clearly defined for each respective building. The recommended implementation strategy is divided as two phases. The first phase is Preparation Period that the government will publish the amended building management policies and compensation procedures, and allow practice time for the related executive agencies. The second phase is Execution Period that the office buildings or residential apartments with lower occupancy rates will be the primary targets for implementation.en_US
dc.subjectattached parking spaces in buildingen_US
dc.subjectshared parkingen_US
dc.titleA Study On The Strategy For Public Use Of Attached Parking Spaces In Buildingen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis