標題: 廢輪胎處理廠區位指派與運送路線選擇之研究
Location-Allocation of the Waste Tire Processing Station and Transportation Route Choice of Waste Tires
作者: 蔡麗敏
Li-Min Ts'ai
Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng
關鍵字: 廢輪胎;區位指派;運送路線選擇;模糊多目標規劃;waste tires;location-allocation;transportation route choice;fuzzy multi-objective programming
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 近年來,由於台灣地區經濟快速成長,使得車輛數急速增長,再加上目前廢輪胎清除處理制度亦未臻完備,因而產生了許多未處理的廢輪胎。由於廢輪胎的任意堆置常會造成環境衛生問題,並引發如火災等之意外災害,因而許多國家紛紛開始重視因廢輪胎堆置而產生的環境衛生問題;而在另一方面,由於廢輪胎乃是屬於資源性之廢棄物,在經過適當處理及再利用後,可以帶來相當的附加價值。基於以上之原因,相關單位均開始重視此類廢棄物之處理問題。
Recently, because of the economic growth in Taiwan, the number of the vehicle was increased rapidly. Furthermore, many waste tires untreated were resulted from the incompleteness of the cleaning and treatment of waste tires. Because piling up the waste tires arbitrarily often causes environmental and sanitary problems and brings accidental disasters, many countries begin to value these problems. On the other hand, waste tire is a kind of resource and can bring in fairly added-value by being treated and re-exploited. So related authorities start to attack importance to the management of waste tires.
About the cleaning and treatment of waste tires, most researches preferred the treating method but not the proper planning of the location of processing station and transportation routes. And, the achievement level of the goal is uncertain. So fuzzy multi-objective programming method is applied to plan these problems at the same time in this study. Operation cost and environmental pollution are considered when deciding the locations of processing station. And transportation cost and the influence on traffic are considered when choosing the routes. At last, this study cites an example which to deal with the problems of waste tires in Taoyuan by the fuzzy multi-objective planning model. As a result, decision makers can plan the location of processing station and transportation routes properly by fuzzy multi-objective programming method. And the satisfactory degree of the total objectives is 0.62.