標題: 電子報閱聽人回饋之分析—以PC Home電腦報留言版為例
The Analysis of Audience’s Feedback of an Electronic News:A Case Study of PC Home Online Daily News.
作者: 蔡瑞珠
Tsai Ruey-chu
Tsui Chia-jung
關鍵字: 閱聽人;電子報;回饋;評估性回饋;非評估性回饋;主動性;涉入感;audience;electronic news;feedback;evaluative feedback;nonevaluative feedback;active;involvement
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 本研究旨在探究電子報閱聽人的回饋,針對PC Home Online電腦報留言版進行個案探討。研究目標有三:(1)分析閱聽人的回饋內容;(2)探究閱聽人的主動性閱讀行為;(3)瞭解報人對閱聽人回饋的反應。研究者先逐一瀏覽電腦報新聞與閱聽人的留言內容,再進行分析研究。 針對閱聽人對新聞的留言討論,本研究嘗試以評估性與非評估性回饋分析閱聽人的留言內容,發現閱聽人的非評估性回饋約佔八成,評估性回饋約兩成。而閱聽人的留言內容以個人意見的表達較多,除了支持喜好的意見外,還有個人感受,以及個人理解與疑問的表達。尤其,閱聽人專業知識與經驗的分享,還可以補充報導資訊的不足;而閱聽人的留言與回應,也使閱聽人之間可以在網路上進行互動。 在閱聽人主動性閱讀行為的探究方面,本研究以網路問卷調查法,探究電腦報留言讀者的主動性閱讀行為和涉入感。研究發現,電腦報閱聽人,在閱讀前的主動性閱讀行為很明顯,閱讀時有時專心有時隨意瀏覽,但很少會同時開其他視窗。閱讀後,會回想看過的內容,偶爾與人討論或在留言版留言。在涉入程度方面,本研究發現電腦報留言讀者,屬於中高度涉入的一群人,涉入程度愈高時,對於「電腦報的評價」愈好,「主動性閱讀行為」也愈明顯。 在電腦報報人的反應方面,本研究經由親身訪談發現,電腦報報人對於閱聽人的留言內容,每天會不定時的瀏覽,有時會以一般讀者身份參與討論,但不會公開回應讀者的問題。對於讀者的留言內容,記者會作為取材的參考,經判斷為有用的資訊,記者也有不同的運用方式。針對電子報報人,本研究建議可以建立查看讀者留言版的基本原則,使閱聽人的留言能更有效的使用,長期下來也許可以成為一種閱聽人回饋的機制。
The purpose of this research is to know audience’s feedback of an electronic newspaper, using a case study of PC Home Online Daily News. There are three goals in the research: (1) to analyze audience’s feedback of content; (2) to quarry audience’s active reading behaviors; and (3) to know journalist’s response of audience’s feedback. The present researcher browsed all the contents of news and audience’s feedback of PC Home Online Daily News to confirm the current content adoption in all the news and audience’s feedback. In the audience’s feedback of net journalization, the research adopted [evaluative feedback] and [nonevaluative feedback] to analyze messages posted by the audience of PC Home Online Daily News. The result indicated that 80 percent of audience’s feedback were [nonevaluative feedback] and 20 percent were [evaluative feedback]. And most people like to state individual opinions like judgements, feelings, and understandings. What’s more, the opinions from the audience’s profession and experience not only supplemented information from the news itself, but also activated the communication among network audiences. In audience’s active reading behaviors, the research used network questionnaires to quarry audience’s active reading and involvement behaviors. The results showed the audiences had obviously active behaviors before reading, sometimes paid attention to contents and sometimes distracted. After reading, they would recall what they had read, discussed with others or post messages on the www bulletin board. Concerning the involvement aspects, the audiences post messages were classified as median-to-high involvement group. The deeper they got involved, the better evaluation they would had for PC Home Online News. Meanwhile, their active reading behaviors would be much more obvious. Finally, the researcher adopted in-depth interviews with PC Home Online Daily News’s journalists to know their response of audience’s feedback. Journalists browsed audience’s messages several times a day. They would join audience’s discussion just like a general reader off-and-on, but they would not response directly as a reporter. Also, Journalists would reference audience’s messages for news materials or adopt useful information to write another news story. To the electronic news journalists, the research suggests that journalist could construct basic rules to check audience’s posted messages to confirm the audiences’ feedback used effectively, thus a audience feedback mechanism could work well in the long term.