標題: 媒體組織願景,認同與形象之研究:以民間全民電視股份有限公司為例
Organizational Vision, Identification and Image:The Case of Formosa Television
作者: 賴秋薰
Chiu-Hsun Lai
Chia-Jung Tsui
關鍵字: 媒體;組織願景;認同;形象;medium;organizational vision;identification;image
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 媒體組織願景,認同與形象之研究:以民間全民電視股份有限公司為例 研究生:賴秋薰 指導教授:崔家蓉教授 國立交通大學傳播研究所 摘要 本研究以民視電視台為研究案例,針對媒體組織的願景,組織認同與組織形象的認知,進行初探性研究。研究重點有五:(1)民視的組織願景;(2)組織成員對組織認同的程度;(3)組織形象的傳達途徑;(4)目標觀眾對民視形象之認知;(5)組織成員和目標觀眾對民視組織認知之比較。 本研究以建立願景共享的觀點,根據組織認同與組織形象的概念,建構媒體組織願景、組織認同與組織形象的結構模式。本研究經由深度訪談,瞭解民視組織願景與組織形象呈現的方式,並且採用問卷調查法探究民視內部員工對組織認同和組織形象之認知。研究結果發現民視組織價值可分為親民和專業兩大構面,民視員工對親民構面的組織價值認同程度較專業構面為高,其中員工年齡愈長愈認同專業構面,從事行政工作部門員工較專業部門認同專業構面;民視員工對組織目標認知的重要性則以提高收視率、追求收支平衡和製作高品質的節目為首要;大體而言,在組織形象傳達方面,民視員工認同民視組織形象活動的運作。 本研究以電話訪問的方式,探究民視目標觀眾對民視的忠誠度和民視形象的認知,研究結果發現目標觀眾對民視忠誠度愈高、收視時數愈長則愈認同民視,整體而言目標觀眾很喜歡民視的節目,尤其喜好戲劇節目,而目標觀眾對形象短片的評價很高,但對於民視的活動參與不多。本研究進一步探究民視員工與目標觀眾對民視認知之異同,研究發現,民視員工比目標觀眾重視民視的表現,而目標觀眾比民視員工肯定民視的表現,也比員工對民視節目有較高的喜好程度;此外,目標觀眾比員工認同民視專業構面的組織價值。 本研究建議民視維持親民的組織特質,加強專業構面的組織價值共識,提供更具前瞻性的組織目標,並拓展目標觀眾群,增進組織活動的宣傳和多元化。後續研究可以民視作追蹤研究分析,或進行民視與其他電視媒體組織的比較研究,或就民視一般觀眾和潛在觀眾對組織形象的認知作進一步探究。
Organizational Vision, Identification and Image:The Case of Formosa Television Student:Chiu-Hsun Lai Advisor:Chia-Jung Tsui Institute of Communication Studies National Chiao Tung University ABSTRACT This research, a case study of Formosa Television, is to explore media organization's vision, identification and image perception. The five research objectives are: (1) the organizational vision of FTV, (2) organization members' organizational identification, (3) promotion approaches of organizational image, (4) the perception of target audience toward FTV, and (5) comparison of the perception of FTV's organizational vision between organization members and its target audience. This research adopted the concept of "Building Shared Vision", integrated "Identity-Identification Duality" and "model of the relationships between organizational culture, identity and image" to explore media organization's vision, identification and image. The researcher adopted in-depth interviews to investigate FTV's organizational vision and promotion approaches of organizational image, and conducted surveys to explore FTV members' organizational identification and target audience's perception of organizational image. The results indicated that the organizational value of FTV included two aspects: professional value and localizational value. FTV members identify the localizational value more than the professional value. The senior organization members identify themselves professional value more than the juniors. FTV's administration people the professional value more than those professional personnel. According to FTV members, the most important organizational goals are to increase the audience bare, to make financial balance, and to produce high quality programs. In the aspect of the promotion approaches of organizational image, FTV members identify most organizational image activities. Positive correlation was found among FTV's target audience's loyalty, teleview hours and identification of FTV's organizational vision. The target audience liked the programs of FTV very much, especially dramas. The target audience had a high evaluation of FTV's ID episodes, but seldom of them had participated the image promotion activities of FTV. The target audience identify FTV's professional value more than FTV's members. The research results also showed that the organizational members were more concerned about the performance of FTV than the target audience. The target audience were more favorable to FTV than members, and the target audience liked FTV's programs more than the organizational members. This research suggests that FTV should keep going on the track of localization, enhance the organizational members' consensus of professional value, establish more advanced prospect, enlarge the target audience, and diversify the image promote activities. Finally, follow-up research topics are suggested.
Appears in Collections:Thesis