Title: 整合無線區域網路與GPRS之行動管理
Integrated Mobility Managerment of Mobile IP and GPRS
Authors: 邱艦義
Chun-I Chiu
Ming-Feng Chang
Keywords: 行動管理;無線區域網路;蜂巢式行動電話系統;Mobile IP;GPRS;Mobility Managerment
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 行動計算目前可使用的通訊媒介包含無線區域網路 (wireless LANs) 與蜂巢式行動電話系統 (cellular system) 的資料服務。其中無線區域網路提供較大的資料傳輸頻寬,但涵蓋的區域通常是局部而不連續的。另一方面,蜂巢式的行動電話支援之資料服務則提供較小的頻寬,但涵蓋的範圍是全面性的。因此,整合無線區域網路與蜂巢式行動電話系統,建立一有效的雙階層 (two-tier)通訊架構,可結合兩種媒介的優點,讓使用者在任何時間,任何地點都可存取網際網路。
無線區域網路支援之行動計算是以行動式網際網路通訊協定(mobile IP)為基礎,而現在蜂巢式行動電話系統可得的封包資料服務是GPRS (General Packet Data Service)。所以我們整合行動式網際網路通訊協定和GPRS。使用者優先考慮使用無線區域網路如果無法使用則連上GPRS網路。由於無線區域網路與行動通訊網路各有獨立的行動管理系統與通訊協定,兩系統的整合必須包含:兩個行動資料庫的合作或者甚至結合、行動式網際網路通訊協定的支援。我們設計兩種方式整合GPRS與行動性網際網路通訊協定的系統架構:一是利用GPRS支援行動性網際網路通訊協定的系統架構,另一是行動性網際網路通訊協定支援GPRS的系統架構。我們的目標是分別建構以GPRS為基礎及以行動性網際網路通訊協定為基礎的整合通訊系統架構。並針對上述兩種整合雙階層通訊架構,分別設計整合的位置資料庫的組織架構,及使用者手機定位策略。定位策略包含手機註冊(registration)程序,資料傳送程序。我們也開發了一個以GPRS為基礎的模擬器用來分析和驗證系統架構。
Wireless LANs and cellular systems are two existing communication platform for mobile computing. Wireless LANs provide large data transmission bandwidth with small and zonal service areas. On the other hand, cellular systems provide small data transmission bandwidth with large and continuous service areas. A two-tier communication system integrating wireless LANs and cellular systems can provide the advantages of the individual systems and enable mobile users to access internet service at any time, at any place, and in any form.
In wireless LANs, mobile IP (MIP) is proposed to support terminal mobility. On the other hand, the available packet data protocol for cellular systems is GPRS. In this paper, we integrate GPRS and MIP. The mobile users access the Internet through the MIP network if it is available; otherwise, the users switch to the GPRS PLMN automatically. Each system has its own location database and communication protocol. The major task is to integrate mobility management and communication protocols. Two methods of integration are described. One is based on GPRS, i.e., the MIP has to be extended to support the mobility management of the GPRS. The other is based on MIP, i.e., the GPRS has to be extended to support the mobility management of the MIP. In addition, a simulator has been constructed to verify and evaluate the system based on GPRS.
Appears in Collections:Thesis