標題: Mobile IP與RSVP之整合
Integration of Mobile IP and RSVP
作者: 劉任修
Ren-Shiou Liu
Chien-Chao Tseng
關鍵字: 行動計算;服務品質保證;階層式;Mobile IP;RSVP;QoS;Hierarchical;Mobile Computing
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 本篇論文提出一個方法,解決RSVP (Resource ReSerVation Protocol)通訊協定在Mobile IP環境下無法正常運作的問題,並且讓網路的資源在行動計算的環境之下,能夠獲得最有效的利用。 RSVP是目前網際網路上做IntServ (Integrated Service)的一套通訊協定,然而在Mobile IP的環境之中使用RSVP會遭遇兩個問題。第一、行動主機離開原來的位置之後,之前取得的網路資源無法再繼續使用。第二、IP Tunnel中間的路由器不認得RSVP的封包。為了解決這兩個問題,我們提出階層式Mobile IP架構中的GFA (Gateway Foreign Agent)以及其下游的FA (Foreign Agent)也要參與RSVP通訊協定的運作,使Mobile IP與RSVP緊密的結合在一起。 我們將提出的方法整合進Berkeley Network Simulator (ns),並且做了效能評估,實驗證明我們的方法有效的解決了RSVP在Mobile IP環境中沒辦法正常運作的問題,而且比其他的方法節省網路端的資源,增加了系統資源使用的效率。
This thesis proposes a simple but effective method to incorporate RSVP (Resource ReSerVation Protocol) in the mobile computing environment without squandering too much network resources. Along with the booming telecommunication market, the PCS system is migrating from the 2.5 generation to the 3rd generation. Under the 3rd generation architecture, the traditional circuit switching backbone networks will be replaced with gigabits or terabits per second packet switching networks. As a consequence, both voice and data will be carried by packets transmitted in such a high speed network. However, packets may lose or delay because of traffic jams. In order to transport multimedia traffic of wireless mobile phones, QoS (quality of service) becomes an important issue. RSVP is a receiver oriented resource reservation protocol designed for an integrated services Internet. However, RSVP has being facing two great challenges owing to the operational characteristics of Mobile IP. First, due to IP-in-IP encapsulation, RSVP messages are invisible to the intermediate routers that comprise the tunnel. Second, after a mobile host moves to another location, the resources previously allocated to it can no longer be used. To overcome the impact of host mobility on service guarantees, we integrate mobile ip regional registration protocol and RSVP to form a hierarchical resource reservation architecture for mobile hosts. Simulation results show that our approach is promising.
Appears in Collections:Thesis