標題: 在特殊無線網路下提供多重路徑之路由通訊協定
An Efficient Multiple Paths Routing Protocol in Ad Hoc Netowrks
作者: 江明鴻
Ming-Hong Jiang
Rong-Hong Jan
關鍵字: 路由通訊協定;Routing Protocol
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 特殊無線網路(ad-hoc networks)是由許多的行動主機(mobile hosts)所組成。行動主機與行動主機之間的通訊不需透過網路/基礎架構 ( infrastructure ),如基地台(base station)、擷取點(access point)等。每一部行動主機都被當作一台特殊的路由器(router),負責幫忙轉送由其它行動主機所傳送過來的封包(packet)。然而在這種網路下每一部行動主機都可以自由且獨立的移動,因此整個網路拓樸架構可能時時在改變,所以傳統有線網路之路由通訊協定並不適用在特殊無線網路的環境下。欲設計一套適合在無線網路下運作的路由通訊協定(routing protocol)除了必須考慮無線網路的先天限制外(如有限的頻寬、高的傳輸錯誤率等等),須快速且正確無誤的找出路徑,同時對於網路拓樸架構的改變能做出適當的回應也是路由通訊協定必須考慮的。本篇論文提出一個有效率並且提供多重路徑的路由通訊協定,以節省無線網路的資源與搜尋路徑所需的時間,並藉由模擬結果來顯示本方法所帶來的優點。
An ad-hoc network is the cooperative engagement of a collection of mobile hosts without the required intervention of any centralized access point or existing infrastructure. Each mobile host operates as a specialized router to forward packets from other mobile hosts. Because of the possibly fast movement of mobile hosts, network topology may change very often. Traditional routing schemes for wired networks are not appropriate. To design an efficient routing protocol, on one hand, routing protocol must deal with the typical limitation of power consumption, low bandwidth, and high error bit rate in wireless environment. On the other hand, routing protocol must provide an efficient, correctness, low communication overhead, loop-free route in dynamic ad-hoc networks. In this thesis, we present an efficient on-demand routing protocol to provide multiple paths that saves network resource and reduces route reconstruction time after a routing path fails. The simulation results are given to show the effect of the proposed multiple paths routing protocol.