標題: 以WEB為基礎之多人合作虛擬實境設計系統
A Web-Based Virtual Reality System for Real-Time Cooperative Design
作者: 曹建宏
Tsao Chien-Hung
Dr. Hao-Ren Ke
Dr. Ruei-Chuan Chang
關鍵字: 電腦輔助式合作虛擬設計;虛擬設計;虛擬實境;虛擬實境描述語言;爪哇;EAI;Computer-Supported Collaborative Virtual Design;Virtual Design;Virtual Reality;VRML;JAVA;External Authoring Interface (EAI)
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 隨著科技的進步,電腦的功能越來越強,許多複雜且重複的工作,都漸漸地被電腦所取代,尤其是電腦輔助設計工作,從以往的2D繪圖,已經進步到現在的3D模型設計,雖然電腦能夠勝任大部分的3D設計工作,不過,在這方面的應用仍然有很大的討論空間,例如,如何結合電腦繪圖和電腦網路來完成合作系統,如何完成多人的即時設計工作,如何跨平台分享現有的資源來縮短設計時程,提高工作效率。 虛擬實境是本篇論文討論的一個重點,也就是利用VRML,Java,EAI,加上電腦網路,在現有的WWW基礎上,完成一個多人互動的虛擬即時設計系統。這套系統以Client-Server架構為主,Client端只要具備上網能力,再加上安裝有VRML Plug-In的瀏覽器,透過HTTP的方式連上Server端後,即可完成所有設計工作,不必安裝任何應用軟體,同時因為VRML與Java已是既定的標準,所以也使得本系統在未來功能的擴充上,非常容易,可攜性也非常高。
With the progress of computer technology, the computation power and capacity of computers is gradually improved. Most routine and complex tasks are performed by computers. Specifically, the benefit of CAD has upgraded from traditional 2D graphics design to 3D model design. Although computers perform most of 3D design works, there are still lots of unexplored applications in this field. For example, how to combine the computer graphics and computer network in order to perform cooperative design, how to help multi-users to do design in real time, and how to share resources on different platforms to reduce the working time and increase the performance during the design period. Virtual Reality is the primary focus of this paper. In this paper we employ VRML, Java, EAI, and computer network, to perform a virtual reality system for real-time cooperative design. The system is based on Client-Server architecture. When a Client is able to connect to Internet with VRML Plug-In browser, after it connects to the Server via HTTP the users can perform all design tasks without any other application software. Due to VRML and Java is widespread standard, it is much easier to extend its function and become much more portable.