標題: GPRS之兩段式上傳頻道分配
Two-Stage Dynamic Uplink Channel Assignment for GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)
作者: 江美燕
Chiang, Mei-Yan
Lin, Ying-Dar
關鍵字: GPRS;上傳頻道;頻道分配;GPRS;uplink;channel assignment
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 為了支援不同網際網路應用所需的服務品質,GPRS支援多頻道分配﹔此外,為了使上傳頻寬能更有效率的運用,GPRS將多個使用者分配至同一頻道,並依據各使用者當時的資料流量決定要上傳頻道分配給這些使用者中的哪一個使用。
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) supports multislot assignment for one user and multiplexing of several users in one PDCH (Packet Data CHannel). In this way, desired QoS (Quality of Services) are met by dynamically adjusting the allocation of traffic channels according to the instantaneous user bit rate. Such dynamic allocation procedure can be viewed as a two-stage assignment. On stage 1, BS (Base Station) assigns several PDCHs to one user. On stage 2, BS selects one of the multiplexed users in a PDCH to use the radio resource. In this paper, we examine how to maintain load balancing between PDCHs on stage 1 and propose several selection schemes on stage 2. From simulation results, it is observed that the penalty deduced by poor load balancing scheme is lower system throughput and negligible packet queueing delay. Among different stage2 selection policies, RRLAA (Round-Robin with Linearly-Accumulated Adjustment) outperforms while having the minimal mis-selection rate. The major penalty of mis-selection is observed to be higher packet queueing delay and lower system throughput.