Title: 企業目錄服務整合設計
The design of Integrated Directory Services in Enterprise
Authors: 馬獻請
Shine-Ching Maa
Ruey-Shun Chen
Keywords: 網際網路;目錄服務;元目錄;電子商務;X.500;LDAP;Internet;Directory Services;Meta-Directory;Electronic Commerce;X.500;LDAP
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 由於企業內部網路(Intranet)及商際網路(Extranet)的興起,以及企業對電子商務(EC)應用的需求,目錄服務已然成為企業的重要基礎建設之一,本論文之主要目的是提出整合機制及作法,以提供企業整合內部之目錄服務,使得企業得以統籌管理其相關資源,進而提高企業整體投資效益。
When the Intranet and Extranet are raised, and the application of Electronic Commerce are demanded increasingly, the Directory Services have been become important infrastructure for many enterprises. The main objective of this thesis is to provide a mechanism and some useful methods for integrating directories in enterprise. With this mechanism, all resource in enterprise can be managed in a unified manner and the total ROI of enterprise will be much higher.
The mechanism adopts Meta-directory for implementation, which connects many directories appropriately by Join-engine and Connector. We proposed four methods that include Store-Password Method, Password-Synchronous Method, Object-Join Method, and XML Synchronous Method on this mechanism to improve the benefits. Finally, an example of ITRI Directory Services is implemented to prove the accuracy of these methods.
The development of Internet is growing very fast, and the EC will be the major battlefield for enterprises. The Directory-Integrated issue should be a very important strategy for the enterprise to be successfully into the EC market.
Appears in Collections:Thesis