標題: | 台鐵行車延誤補償制度之研究 A Study of Compensatory Policy for Travel Time Delay of TRA's Service |
作者: | 陳陸陣 Chen Lu-Zhen 張新立 Dr. Hsin-Li Chang 運輸與物流管理學系 |
關鍵字: | 旅行時間;台灣鐵路管理局;延誤補償;旅運者;travel time;Taiwan Railway Administration;delay;compensatory policy;traveller |
公開日期: | 1999 |
摘要: | 台鐵行車延誤補償制度之研究 研究生:陳陸陣 指導教授:張新立 國立交通大學運輸工程與管理學系碩士班 摘 要 隨著工商社會的日益繁忙,人們對於時間的重視可謂與日俱增,使得位居聯繫各項活動關鍵的運輸活動及其所使用運具之準點性,更加受到大眾之關切與重視;在交通部所公布之調查中更證實準點性為民眾所重視大眾運輸工具重要特性之一。然而當運具無法準時到達,造成班次延誤時,其間所牽涉之補償與善後處理問題,在國內卻少有專門之研究加以討論。而國內各大眾運輸業者對於旅行時間延誤之補償問題,長久以來一直缺乏有系統之措施,導致每當延誤事件發生時,業者均以個案加以處理,並未深入探討其原因並加以改進,實為自詡已邁入先進國家的台灣之一大遺憾。 本研究以大眾運輸業者中行車準點資料較為齊全的台灣鐵路管理局為對象,在蒐集文獻資料後,對於行車延誤問題加以分析,以瞭解有哪些延誤補償相關議題值得進行深入探討。有關檢討台鐵現行制度之問題,則藉由制度面、執行面、旅客面三個構面的系統化分析,同時並佐以實際準點資料來得知台鐵現況。為探知旅運者之看法,本研究運用問卷調查與統計分析之技術,彙整旅運者之意見;最後並結合台鐵現況及未來展望與旅運者之意見,提出現行制度之可能改進措施。 實證結果發現,對於台鐵現行補償制度不滿意之旅運者比例將近一半,顯示現行制度仍有改進之空間,以符合旅運者期望。另外在延誤補償制度重要屬性方面,旅運者最重視之屬性為是否方便申請理賠。而大部分旅運者亦認同現行僅補償可由營運者控制或避免之延誤原因。在可量化之屬性,即延誤理賠時間門檻與理賠金額方面,本研究藉由累積機率之觀念,採行大多數旅運者可接受之門檻值,並配合台鐵實際資料後證實理賠時間門檻至少可改進至60分鐘;理賠金額至少可改進至票價50%。而在補償方式方面,如採行折價券進行補償,旅運者期望能較現金補償額度為高。在票價提高可行性方面,有80%左右之旅運者可接受以票價提高一定額度來換取更優質的服務。 由於延誤補償問題在國民生活品質日益提昇的今日,勢必將受到更多的關切與重視,故本研究結果不但可提供台鐵未來改進延誤補償制度之參考,並可成為系統監督單位或其他大眾運輸業者擬定有關延誤補償相關措施或進行延誤補償研究之依據。 A Study of Compensatory Policy for Travel Time Delay of TRA’s Service Student:Lu-Zhen Chen Advisor:Dr. Hsin-Li Chang Institute of Transportation Engineering and Management National Chiao Tung University ABSTRACT Punctuality is commonly recognized as an important factor affecting travelers' mode choice decision. However, travel time delay still happens to operation sometimes due to the occurrence of expected or unexpected events. From the viewpoints of trade equity and service quality, some compensatory policies should be made to reasonably make up customers' loss resulted from those events. Unfortunately, it lacks of systemically studies in refunds of delay in Taiwan. The operators can only deal those events by case, and a lot of quarrels have happened between travelers and operators. This study not only reviews the operation data of Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA), but also collects the opinions of railway users to the refunding policies that include conditions for refunding and alternatives of refunding. Some propositions were derived based on the analytical results from collected information. The empirical results show that half of the travelers don’t satisfy the current compensatory policy of TRA. Travelers evaluate the convenience of refunding procedure as the most important factor among all concerned factors. Most people agree that TRA should be responsible only to the travel time delays resulted from preventable events. Sixty minutes delay is suggested as the refunding threshold for travel time delay in the short term. The amount of refund is suggested to be the half value of purchased ticket. Furthermore, if discount coupon will be used as another refunding alternative, extra refund should be offered. About eighty percentages of travelers show their willingness to pay extra cost to buy better service quality. The study results not only provide valuable information for drawing appropriate refunding policies for travel time delay of railway operations, but also explore a lot of operation and quality control issues for transportation industry. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/65625 |
顯示於類別: | 畢業論文 |