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dc.contributor.authorChing-Chang Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorChaug-Ing Hsuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究針對都會區外圍跨區通勤旅運問題,嘗試分析外環式大眾捷運系統與主幹線輻射式捷運系統整合之可行性並深入探討整體系統之效益與衝擊,期規劃各個跨區適當的外環式大眾捷運系統組合以助於改善郊區跨區通勤擁擠問題,提升整體運輸系統績效。本研究應用連續近似方法先將研究範圍切割為一萬格之數值網格,以一般化總旅行成本最小為依據,對迄點為各重要旅次吸引點之各數值網格內之旅運者,進行最佳旅運運具與路線選擇之指派,以求得外環式大眾捷運線之市場服務範圍。其中,旅運者之旅運運具與路線選擇組合包含三種接運方式:1.使用步行、機車、公車或小汽車由旅次起點端直接經由平面道路到達旅次迄點端;2.使用公車或小汽車由旅次起點端經由平面道路與快速道路到達旅次迄點端;3. 使用步行、機車、公車或小汽車由旅次起點端經由平面道路至適當捷運車站,以轉運之方式到達旅次迄點端。 本研究並進一步考量空間與時間價值變異特性來總計外環式大眾捷運線之服務旅運需求量,以構建長期與中、短期供需均衡模式,規劃外環式大眾捷運系統之最適路網位置與營運策略。其中,長期供需均衡乃權衡取捨路線建造成本、車隊擁有成本、營運成本與使用者節省之一般化總成本之關係,以求取系統總成本最小化;中、短期供需均衡乃權衡取捨營運成本、車隊擁有成本與營運收益之關係,以求取營運者利潤最大化。其次,決定起點都會區內各接運方式之競爭市場範圍,以及各種接駁運具之最佳區位,以助於接駁運具組合與接駁路線設計,並繪以旅次迄點為中心之一般化成本分佈圖、等一般化成本線分佈圖,以作為旅行者行前資訊系統之決策參考。 最後,以大台北都會區之捷運路網為例來進行一實證分析,以闡述本研究模式之應用。研究結果顯示,外環捷運線所吸引之服務旅運需求量主要為以板橋、新店、中和、新莊、蘆洲、土城等地區為旅次迄點之旅運需求量為主,而此外環捷運線除了可服務跨區通勤旅運外,亦可服務部分至市中心之輻射式旅次。此外,本研究除了可提供規劃者、營運者興建捷運路網位置與營運策略之機制決策參考外,亦可提供不同起迄需求與時間價值旅運者之最佳旅運運具與路線組合之資訊決策參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study is to be directed towards the cross-commuting problem among the suburbs, and analyzing the feasibility of integrating the suburban rapid transit (SRT) and the radial rapid transit (RRT). Hopefully, it is aim at making a suitable plan about how to combine the SRT and RRT to solve the cross-commuting problem and to promote the effectiveness of the whole transportation system. A continuum approximation technique is proposed to separate the study region into 10,000 arithmetic grids and assign travelers’ optimal access mode and route choices by minimizing their generalized total travel costs. The model analyzes commuter’ mode and route choices at every residential site, that is, how commuters live in different locations of a metropolitan area will travel along surface streets straight to the workplace, travel along surface streets and expressways, travel along surface streets and then ride on the rapid transit. Furthermore, the study considers variations in commuters’ values of time and residential locations to aggregate the passenger’s demand of the SRT. Then, the study formulates the long-term and short-term demand-supply interaction models to derive the optimal route, fare and frequency of the SRT. Generalized total commuters’ saved travel cost, SRT construction costs, SRT operating costs and SRT vehicle acquisition costs, are formulated to construct a long-term demand-supply interaction model with the objective of minimizing total system cost. On the other hand, SRT operating revenue, SRT operating costs and SRT vehicle acquisition costs, are formulated to construct a short-term demand-supply interaction model with the objective of maximizing operator’s operating profits. Finally, an example of Taipei metropolitan corridors for rail rapid transit is used to illustrate application of the model in this study. The results show the market areas of SRT, optimal residential locations suitable for each of different traveling mode and route combinations, equi-travel time contours and equi-travel cost contours. The results can be used as guidelines on determining the optimal operational plans of SRT for operators, the optimal access mode and route decisions for travelers and the optimal route selection for SRT planner.en_US
dc.subjectTransport Systems Planningen_US
dc.subjectSurban Rapid Transiten_US
dc.subjectModal Choiceen_US
dc.subjectMarket Areasen_US
dc.titleThe Study on Market Areas, Route and Operational Planning of Suburban Rapid Transiten_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis