Title: | 台北市公有路外停車場系統績效評估之研究 Evaluating the Operational Performance For the Public Parking Lots In Taipei City |
Authors: | 方 霖 Lin Fun 張新立 Dr. Hsin-Li Chang 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 停車場;停車延時;營運績效;parking lot;parking duration;operation performance |
Issue Date: | 1999 |
Abstract: | 興建路外停車場已成為當前改善停車問題重要停車政策,所以適時、適地之闢建公有路外停車場,提供有效率、合理停車位已刻不容緩。然而停車場興建投資之經費龐大,在興建完成後要如何有效經營停車場、增加停車供給、減少交通衝擊與提高服務品質,已成為當前重要課題。此外,停車場研究大多著重在路外停車場闢建時,優先順序與區位選擇之考量,罕有研究針對路外停車場興建完成後停車場營運效率之探討,缺乏一套能衡量路外停車場績效之評估機制。 本研究首先手分析評估公共路外停車場營運績效指標之架構,繼而透過對已完工並營運中之路外停車場之營運狀況、實質環境特性等相關資料之蒐集,應用多元迴歸分析方法分析探討影響路外停車場營運績效之因素。本論文之內容主要可分為二部分,第一部分先選定研究範圍,並針對目前停車場經營現況以及外在環境,研擬影響路外停車場營運績效之指標與影響因素。第二部分以營運者、停車使用者、政府角度來衡量審視公有路外停車場之營運績效,應用多元迴歸分析方法,校估出各評估指標之迴歸模式並探討顯著影響公共路外停車場營運績效之因素。 本研究所評估各公有路外停車場系統績效結果,其主要較顯著影響因素為停車場規模、停車延時、營業時間,若未來政府欲興建公有停車場時,以整體績效為首要關心指標時,可選擇蓋在住商混合區,以適當規模之立體機械式停車場為優先考量。 Many parking lots have been constructed in order to improve the parking problem of Taipei City. Some parking lots are running well, but some are not good as expected. A lot of effort has been focused on the priority of sites to construct parking lots, but only little attention has been paid to the operation performance of existing parking lots. Different parking lots have their own operation strategies in response to their characteristics such as location, scale, and type of structure. It is worth to review the operation performance of public parking lots and guide the direction for construction of new parking lots in the future. The study is undertaken to establish a framework to measure the operation performance and explore the related influential factors. The physical characteristics of parking lot, parking demand, revenue and operation cost are collected to evaluate the effectiveness of operation performance. A multiple regression approach is then used to establish the relationship between operation performance and the characteristics of parking lots. The main factors influencing the operation performance of parking lots are the scale of the parking lot, open hours, and duration of parking demand. The study results indicate that if the government intends to build parking lots, it should build the suitable scale of parking lot in the mixed area of residence and commerce. The study results not only explore the key factors affecting the operation performance, but also provide valuable information for drawing the operation, management and enforcement policies to enhance the effectiveness of existing parking lots as well as new construction parking lots. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/65630 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |