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dc.contributor.authorHui-Ming Linen_US
dc.contributor.authorSau-Gee Chenen_US
dc.description.abstractIn this thesis, the theories of acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) were studied. The performance in terms of convergence rate, stability and computational complexity of several adaptive algorithms applied to AEC were evaluated. In order to reduce the correlation of speech and speed up the convergence rate of adaptive filters, we adopt the decorrelation methods based on speech properties. For stereophonic AEC system, we adopt the pre-processing techniques to degrade the cross-correlation between the two input signals so that the filters can converge to the real impulse response coefficients during the adaptation. On the other hand, we apply the extrapolating technique to the application of AEC system. The extrapolating techniques can reduce the adaptation steps obviously. 1.1 Background 1.2 Organization of this thesis Chapter 2 An overview of acoustic echo cancellation system 2.1 The room impulse response 2.1.1 The measurement of room impulse response 2.1.2 The property of room impulse response 2.2 The structure of AEC 2.2.1 Monophonic AEC 2.2.2 Stereophonic AEC 2.3 The algorithms of adaptive filter 2.3.1 Time domain adaptive filters 2.3.2 Frequency domain and subband based adaptive filters 2.4 Performance assessment Chapter 3 Acoustic echo cancellation with decorrelation methods 3.1 NLMS algorithm 3.2 NLMS algorithm with signal decorrelation 3.2.1 The architecture of decorrelation filtering 3.2.2 Proposed architecture of decorrelation methods 3.2.3 The decorrelation filters 3.3 Decorrelation with fixed first-order filters 3.3.1 The properties of speech signal 3.3.2 Fixed decorrelation filters 3.3.3 Simulation results 3.4 Decorrelation with adaptive LPC filters 3.4.1 Linear prediction coding (LPC) 3.4.2 Adaptive decorrelation filters 3.4.3 Simulation results Chapter 4 Stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation with pre-processing methods 4.1 Unique solution problem of stereophonic AEC system 4.2 Stereophonic AEC by adding independent noise 4.3 Pre-processing by using nonlinear filters 4.4 Pre-processing by using time-varying all-pass filters 4.5 Modified nonlinear pre-processing methods Chapter 5 Fast AEC Based on Extrapolated Adaptation 5.1 Extrapolation methods based on exponential model 5.1.1 ELMS algorithm 1 5.1.2 ELMS algorithm 2 5.1.3 Comments on the two ELMS algorithms 5.2 Extrapolation methods based on linear model 5.2.1 Linear ELMS algorithm 5.2.2 Simulation results 5.3 Linear ELMS in the application of AEC system 5.4 Modified linear extrapolation methods 5.4.1 Partial extrapolation method 5.4.2 Extrapolation method with interruption 5.5 Complexity Chapter 6 Conclusion Bibliography Autobiographyen_US
dc.subjectacoustic echoen_US
dc.subjectecho cancellationen_US
dc.subjectlinear extrapolateden_US
dc.titleDesign of High-performance Acoustic Echo Cancellationen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis