標題: 基因晶片之光罩設計與微影製程
The Mask Design and Photolithography of GeneChip Fabrication
作者: 林禾千
He-Chian Lin
Long Hsu
關鍵字: 基因晶片;去氧核醣核酸;光微影術;聚亞醯胺;探針;合成;雜交;螢光;GeneChip;DNA;Photolithography;Polyimide;Probe;Synthesis;Hybridization;Fluorescence
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 人體各部位器官功能的正常與否是由不同的基因序列表現是否正常來控制,若知道哪一個基因序列掌管哪一個器官功能,就可以對特定基因序列做檢驗,檢查那一個器官功能是否正常而達到疾病的預防與治療。基因晶片即是做基因序列檢驗的工具。
The health of an individual heavily depends upon the expressions of the genes in the cells of the body. Each gene has its own nucleotide sequence and controls a particular function. Therefore, the traditional health examination may be performed by examining the nucleotide sequence of the genes. In this work, we study the fabrication of a gene chip, which is a tool capable of examining a vast of gene sequences of various kinds at a time.
The method of oligonucleotide microarray fabrication developed in this experiment uses ultraviolet light passed through glass masks to direct the synthesis of oligonucleotides on a silicon wafer. Utilizing photolithography technique, we may synthesize oligonucleotides microarrays in selected patterns. After hybridization, the gene chip could discriminate single-base pair mismatches, which is one of the features of the oligonucleotides microarrays.
The fabrication of gene chip is multidisciplinary, it involves the techniques on gene informatics, mask design, photolithography, DNA synthesis, and hybridization. Because we lack of references to solve the unwanted chemical interference with the photolithographic double-layer structure during the DNA synthesis process, our work is focused on the development a new protocol in fabricating our gene chip.
We have fabricated a simplified gene chip for hybridization test. We will present the result of the fluorescence emitted from the labeled target oligonucleotide sequences after hybridization, which indicates the feasibility of our protocol. We believe a better protocol can be achieved in the near future.