Title: 第三代寬頻CDMA系統3GPP下鏈基頻接收機設計與模擬
Design and Simulation of a Downlink Baseband Receiver for the 3GPP Third Generation Wideband CDMA System
Authors: 鄭冬菊
Tung-Chu Cheng
Chia-Chi Huang
Keywords: 寬頻分碼多重進接;wide band CDMA
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 鑒於第三代無線行動通訊系統研究的蓬勃發展,本論文針對3GPP(Third Generation Partnership Project )地面無線傳輸技術(Radio Transmission Technology)提案之分頻雙工模式,設計一寬頻分碼多重進接(Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)下鏈(downlink)基頻接收機,並模擬驗證其功能。此基頻接收機包含基地台同步與犁耙式(RAKE)接收兩大部分,基地台同步部分之設計重點在於利用差別檢測(differential detection)快速獲得基地台初步的時脈以節省基地台同步所需的時間,此外,也包含載波頻率回覆功能。而犁耙式接收部分的設計重點在於使用週期性傳送、分時多工的領航幅元(pilot symbol)做通道估測以便犁耙式接收機之同調檢測(coherent detection),我們所設計的通道估測方法中以線性內插法性能最佳。
In consideration of highly development of third generation wireless communication, we design a wideband code division multiple access downlink baseband receiver for the FDD mode of 3GPP radio transmission technology proposal in this thesis and verify its functions by simulations. This baseband receiver includes two parts, base station synchronization part and rake receiver part. The design key point of base station synchronization part is using differential detection to acquire rough timing of base station quickly and save base station synchronization time. This part also contains the function of carrier recovery. The design key point of rake receiver part is using periodically transmitted、time-multiplexed pilot symbol to do channel estimation for the coherent detection of rake receiver. In our channel estimation methods, the linear interpolation method has the best performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis