Title: 單 平 面 式 超 寬 頻 鏡 像 消 除 混 波 器
Uniplanar Ultra-broadband Image Rejection Mixer
Authors: 張仁建
Chang Jen Chien
Dr. Chi-Yang Chang
Keywords: 單 平 面;超 寬 頻;鏡 像 消 除 混 波 器;Uniplanar;Ultra-broadband;Image Rejection Mixer
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 本論文是利用混成微波積體電路的製程,使用共平面波導的結構製作一個可以含蓋2至18GHz的鏡像消除混波器,以期能改善高速電子戰接收機的鏡像訊號干擾問題。除了完成寬頻的3dB耦合器及威金森功率分配器之外,我們也提出了一種新型的平面式莫式混成接頭(Mouw's Hybrid Junction)完成的寬頻星型混波器。實作電路面積縮在0.9吋 × 0.9吋15 mil 氧化鋁基板之內,量測結果顯示整個使用頻段內鏡像消除都可在15dB以上。
A uniplanar MIC(Microwave Integrated Circuit)2 to 18GHz ultra-broadband image rejection mixer is designed and fabricated in this thesis. The image rejection mixer can improve image signal interference in a high speed EW(Electronic Warfare)receiver. In this thesis, a uniplanar broadband 3dB coupler and a CPW(Coplanar Waveguide)wilkinson power divider are developed. In addition, we propose a novel broadband uniplanar star mixer realized by a planar Mouw's hybrid junction. The novel star mixer shows ultra-broadband performance. The whole circuit is fabricated on a 15 mil Al2O3 substrate with an area of 0.9inch × 0.9inch. The measured image rejection is better than 15dB through entire bandwidth.
Appears in Collections:Thesis