DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorWen-Long Changen_US
dc.contributor.authorJaw-Ming Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract經濟部87年度中小企業白皮書明確的指出:「以科技研發為主的研發型中小企業是我國未來經濟發展的主力中小企業類型」。祇是以研發為主要營運活動的科技研發型中小企業在新創或轉型的初期,通常是較脆弱且容易失敗,所以它比一般的中小企業更需要多方面的支援與協助。 為此,經濟部中小基金管理委員會在民國85年4月8日的中小企業發展第十一次會議中通過並核定,國內開始設置創新育成中心(Innovation incubation center),並期能透過「育成」(Incubation)的觀念,來協助科技研發型中小企業渡過此一危險的陣痛期。 惟上述培育機制運作的成功與否,端賴於創新育成中心所提供的服務項目是否能夠完全滿足此種類型之進駐廠商。據此,本研究主要目的是期能經由對國內36家創新育成中心專案經理人及351家進駐廠商經理人的問卷調查,探索出兩者對於服務項目的認知情形,進而以實務的觀點分析出差異產生的原因,以及縮短兩者差距之可行作法。 經分析後發現,兩者對部份服務項目的認知產生有差異,至於差異產生的原因為:1.創新育成機構與政府部門尚未進行必要之服務滿意調查;2.專案經理人未建立起不同類型進駐廠商須提供不同服務的觀念;3.創新育成中心成立的時間尚短,未完全對於此現象加以重視。4.創新育成中心仍有人才、資金及技術不足的現象,無法立即提供進駐廠商所需之服務。 至於縮短認知差距的作法有:1.政府需協助創新育成中心進行服務滿意度調查;2.創新育成中心無法設立之服務項目政府需予以協助;3.政府需協助創新育成中心建立專有之培育特色;4.創新育成中心可先對目前之進駐廠商進行服務滿意度調查;5.創新育成中心需充份篩選適當之進駐廠商;6.善用網路關係以彌補服務項目設立之不足;7.進駐廠商需慎選符合自身需求之創新育成中心;8.廠商需適時反映營運所需的服務項目。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe report by Bureau of Small and Medium Enterprises, MOEA in 1998 was point out that “the Research & Development of Science & Technology Small and Medium Enterprises (RDSTSMEs) was main development type of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for Taiwan’s economic development. This kind of SMEs was vulnerable during its start-up so it needs more assistance than other kinds of SMEs. For this reason, in April, 1996, the 11th meeting of “Small and Medium Business Mutual Fund Development and Management Committee approved “Guidelines for Encouraging the Establishment of Small-Medium Enterprise Incubators Centers by Public & Private Sector” and hope that can use the concept of “incubation” to help RDSTSMEs pass this dangerous period. Due to the services items were the main mechanism for successful nurturing new ventures, thus, if the cognition for services between incubator and tenant was different that it will influence the nurtured performance. Hence, the main goal of our research hope that can by way of investigate 36 incubator and 351 tenant to obtain the cognition difference between them. Then, we will use the practical view to find out the reasons, which cause the difference and try to shorten the gap between them. We find that has different view between them. These reasons which cause the difference including: 1.Incubator and government are not engaged in the survey of the degree of satisfaction yet; 2.Project manager has no the concept of different tenant which need different kind of services; 3.Because incubator is in the start-up phase so it didn’t pay much attention on this issues; 4.Incubator was insufficient in talent, capital and technology so that it can not provide the necessary services for tenant. The method which can shorten the gaps will include: 1.Government must help incubator to be engaged in the survey of degree of satisfaction; 2.Government need to assist incubator to set up the services items that incubator can not do it; 3.Governemnt must help incubator to establish its characteristics; 4.Incubator can investigate the tenant’s degree of satisfaction which now was set up in its incubator; 5.Incubator needs to select the right tenant; 6.The network-relation can make up for the insufficient in services; 7.Tenant must choose the right incubator; 8.Tenant must request the services right away when it need it.en_US
dc.subjectInnovation incubation centeren_US
dc.subjectProject manageren_US
dc.subjectResearch & development of science & technology of small and medium enterprisesen_US
dc.subjectTenant clienten_US
dc.titleThe exploratory research on the cognition difference between incubator’s project managers and research & development of science & technology tenant client’s managersen_US