DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChi-Ming Chiuen_US
dc.contributor.authorCharng-Horng Hsiehen_US
dc.description.abstract噪音管制法令執行性課題的探討 研究生:邱濟民 指導教授:謝長宏 國立交通大學經營管理研究所 摘 要 我國經濟成就已普遍獲致國際上的稱讚與肯定,然而由於過度的追求經濟成長,忽略環境保護的重要性,致使目前我國環境的污染愈來愈嚴重,已明顯的降低我國的環境品質,並激起民眾對生活環境品質的極大不滿,故政府於民國七十六年八月成立環保署,且分別訂定了八大環保法令,以改善日益嚴重的環境品質惡化問題,但是事實上發現環保機關花許多心力與時間完成制修法令公佈後,依法執行時卻才發現各種不能順利操作執法的衝突產生,致損及原訂定法規的目的,也讓社會多付出社會成本去彌補,但仍無法達到原環保法令立法解決環境問題的目的。 有鑑於此,本研究係以執行性(Workability)的角度,探討噪音管制法令過去立法與執行情形,發現噪音管制法令執行上主要議題為;噪音管制標準、責罰不相配合、各部會與各縣市無法配合執行噪音管制人力與經費不足無協調與回饋機制等五項議題,並就以上議題提出增進噪音管制法令執行性概念與程序;首先應對噪音公害的產生與發生原因深入了解,其次就我國整體環境中管制者與受管制者環保智能狀況採取適合的環保立法原則,最後依據系統管理決策機制進行噪音問題的解決。另本研究特依據上述概念與程序擬定目前噪音管制法令的建議修訂條文與解決方式,並將此成果引用到其他環保法令,提出增進執行性的途徑,以供未來相關環保法令的制修定與執行上。 根據上述的研究發現與成果,噪音管制法令確有執行性課題,而所提出的增進執行性概念與程序,能有效解決噪音管制法令執行性課題,且能引用在其他環保法令上,將能促進噪音管制法令及其他環保法令執行性的實務應用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractStudies on the Workability of Noise Control Laws and egulations Student:Chi-Ming Chiu Advisor:Charng-Horng Hsieh Institute of Business and Management , National Chiao Tung University Abstract Our economic achievement has been commonly acclaimed in the world. Due to overwhelmingly pursuing the economic development, we had ignored the importance of environmental protection. The environmental pollution get worse, and living quality were obviously reduce. These unsatisfied environmental and living quality problems raised public concerns. Thus the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) was established in August 1987 and many environmental protection laws were stipulated to improve the deterioration of environmental quality. In fact, after spending a lot of effort and time to finish the promulgated laws, EPA found that variety of created conflicts impacts the original goals for these laws and spends a lot of social cost. These laws can not solve the environmental problems and attain their objects. The objective of this study is to investigate the legislation and condition of the Noise Control Laws and Regulations for the pass from workability. Five main issues for the workability of the act found in this study are including noise control standard, penalty coordination, cooperation between every ministries and counties, lack of manpower and funds, and a feedback mechanism. Base on the above subjects, the workability of concept and procedure is proposed in this study. First of all, should be further investigate the noise nuisance and occurred reasons. Secondly, the appropriate principal of environmental protection legislation should be adopted for the intellectual conditions of the government and people in the overall environment. Finally, solve noise problems according to the decision making mechanism of system management. In addition, the revised articles and resolution measures of the Noise Control Laws and Regulations are proposed based on the above concepts and procedures. These resolution measures can be applied to other environmental protection laws, and to provide the paths of workability for the revision and implementation of these related environmental protection acts in the future. According to the above research and accomplishment, there are some Noise Control law’s problems. But this study proposes to gain the concepts and procedures of workability that can effectively solve these problems, apply and enhance the practical application for the other related laws.en_US
dc.titleStudies on the workability of Noise Control Laws and Regulationsen_US