Title: 資訊家電之消費價值研究
Authors: 陳逸興
Yi-Shing Chen
Prof. Pao-Long Chang
Keywords: 消費價值;消費價值和市場選擇理論;資訊家電;consumption value;the Theory of Consumption Value and Market Choices;Infornation Appliance
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 資訊家電是近年來興起的一類產品,它的產品特徵和市場定位目前尚無一個定論,而目前僅限於某些領域的用途發展。一項新型態的產品是否能為市場所接受,或是應該具備有那些性質特徵,是行銷人員的重要工作,而我們可以利用消費者行為理論來進行研究。 消費價值和市場選擇理論(The theory of Consumption Value and Market Choices) 是由Sheth(1991)等學者所提出。和其他消費者行為理論最大的功能和不同點,在於此理論特別針對消費者的購買動機來做分析,並能進一步地預測消費者的選擇。 在本研究中,以消費價值和市場選擇理論為主要架構,針對資訊家電此一尚屬概念化的產品進行研究。首先透過文獻的整理和探討,擬出各消費價值之變數,再由問卷調查的結果,進行因素分析及區別分析,找出影響消費者在購買資訊家電時,其動機的重要構面以及影響力各為何,期望能提供實務界在發展資訊家電產品時的一個參考。
Information Appliance (IA) is one kind of newly developing product in these years. It’s product characteristics and market positions are not clearly been defined. For marketing staffs, the very important duties are to know whether a new-style product will be accepted on the market, or what properties and characteristics should it own. We can know all of these by doing researches based on those consumer behavior theories. The theory of Consumption Value and Market Choices is brought up by Sheth et al. What the most different function from other consumer behavior theories is that it specially focuses on analyzing the purchasing motivations of consumers, and is able to predict the consumer’s choices further. This study employs the theory of Consumption Value and Market Choice as it’s primary conceptual framework, and proceeds to a research of information appliance, somehow still very conceptual products. First of all, the study searches out the variables of each consumption value by literature survey, analyzing and arranging the references. Secondly it employs factor analysis and discriminant analysis on the results of questionnaire Surveys to explore the important dimensions and their influences when purchasing. The purpose of this study is to provide some consultations for the relative industries when developing the products of information appliance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis