標題: 台灣民間營建工程各利害關係人互動關係之探討
The Research of the Interactions between the Stakeholders of Private Construction in Taiwan
作者: 蔡雅蘋
Ya-Ping Tsai
Charng-Horng Hsieh
關鍵字: 民間營建工程;工程品質;營建作業流程;利害關係人;Private Construction;Quality of construction;Procedures of construction operations;Stakeholders
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 經過了921大地震後,嚴重暴露出台灣營建工程品質的不良,雖然過去許多文獻都曾對這個議題進行討論,及提出了許多不同的意見,但大多是直接針對 ”工程品質” 這個問題尋求解決方案,而忽略了什麼才是造成工程品質不良的真正問題。因此,本研究欲回到最基本面,從了解”營建工程作業流程”這個系統開始,重新定義引發工程品質不良的問題,進而提出本研究的改善對策。由於在營建工程中種類繁多且所須技術多有不同,因此,在本論文中僅以民間營建工程為研究對象。 本研究之研究目有下列4點 1. 找出民間營建工程中各主要利害關係人(stakeholders),以及其間之互動依據為何。 2. 找出民間營建工程中各主要利害關係人之間的真實互動狀態為何。 3. 以客觀的角度重新評析、探討這些真實的互動狀態, 4. 依據討論結果,針對各互動狀態提出本研究之改善對策。 在論文中將營建作業流程分為4階段:企劃開發階段、設計階段、招標發包階段、施工階段,再依據民間營建工程中各主要利害關係人於不同階段中19種真實互動狀態,進行客觀的評析,以重新定義民間營建工程品質不良的真正成因,進而提出本研究之理想狀態,以及針對這19種狀態與各利害關係人之改善對策。
The poor quality of Construction in Taiwan was explored after the serious quake happened on September 21 last year. Although this issue has been discussed and researched by many groups. Most of them focused on how to improve the Construction quality but they ignored what the real problem is. Therefore, we back to the very beginning from understanding the system of Construction procedure, identifying the matter of causing poor quality, moreover providing solutions. In this research I only focused on Private Contraction in consideration of the specialties and multiple technical skills needs of this industry. Following are the four major topics of this research: 1. Find out the influential stakeholders in this field and figure out the interaction accordingly. 2. Discover the actual interaction between all stakeholders in Private Construction. 3. Recalculate these true interactions objectively. 4. Pursuant to the conclusion, providing solutions to these interactions respectively. In the research, construction procedure was divided to four sections:proposal creation and development ,design , tenders and signing contract &constructing. Then, analyzing and reidentifying the real factors that caused poor quality based on the 19 kinds of true interactions between stakeholders in Private Construction. Furthermore, displaying the desire states and the resolutions between this 19 states and the stakeholders.