標題: 行動電話消費者購買行為及其市場區隔之研究--以北部地區居民為例
A Study on the Purchasing Behavior of the Customers and Market Segmentation of the Mobile Telephone Service --A case study for the customers in Northern Taiwan--
作者: 魏錫鈴
Hsieh-Lin Wei
Quang-Hua Chen
關鍵字: 行動電話;購買行為;市場區隔;生活型態;mobile phone;purchase behavior;market segmentation;lifestyle
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 行動電話消費者購買行為及其市場區隔之研究--以北部地區居民為例
研究生:魏錫鈴 指導教授:陳光華教授
摘 要
本研究主要目的是為探討行動電話消費者購買行為及對其適當分群,針對各集群中之消費者的特徵與消費行為,加以描述與分析,以利針對不同區隔市場進行目標行銷。因此選用EKB 消費者行為模式為觀念性架構,以 AIO生活型態變數做為市場區隔之基礎,並以北部地區的行動電話消費者為研究對象,採簡單隨機抽樣方法,共計發出1,221份問卷,篩選取得751份有效樣本,經因素分析、集群分析、變異數分析、卡方檢定、交叉列聯表及雪費檢定等方法進行處理。經由因素分析進行構面縮減,計萃取出八個因素構面,再利用集群分析把行動電話消費者區分為四個區隔。研究顯示各市場區隔之消費者在購買動機上無顯著差異;在人口統計變數之性別、年齡、職業等變數具有顯著差異;在購買決策變數之資訊尋求、評估準則、消費實態等變數,均具有顯著差異。就整體而言,行動電話消費者購買動機:主要是方便與人聯絡及工作需要。資訊尋求:以親友介紹佔多數。產品屬性評估:強調品質、價格及服務等。消費實態:購買時間以二年內佔五成以上;系統廠商以中華電信、台灣大哥大、遠傳電信為前三大品牌;門號考慮因素為價格及通話品質;門號加手機費用以不超過15,000元為主;每日使用次數不超過6次;六成左右消費者無更換品牌經驗。
A Study on the Purchasing Behavior of the Customers and Market Segmentation of the Mobile Telephone Service --A case study for the customers in Northern Taiwan--
Student: Hsieh-Lin Wei Advisor: Prof. Quang-Hua Chen
Institute of Management and Business College, National Chiao Tung University
Influenced by the tendency of liberalization and globalization of telecommunications business and the keen demand of integrated multi-media information services, the speedy communication as well as global roaming capabilities of mobile telephone services have not only changed our ways of communications tremendously but also give a great impact on the infrastructure of our industry and society. The present industry requires rapid response to the market change. In order to correspond quickly to the rapidly changing market to get any business opportunity, the mobile telephone becomes one of the most important and essential tools. At present, the mobile telephone is really a necessary working tool in the so-called "Mobile Information Society". On the other hand, due to continued tariff decrease, most consumers become able to afford to the mobile telephone services; and the mean age of the customers is also decreasing showing more young generation can afford to the service. All of these facts show that there is a great comprehensive potential mobile phone market in Taiwan for one to develop. However, how to satisfy the diversified demands of potential customers in order to have them become real customers becomes the most important and also difficult issues of the service providers. None of the service providers can satisfy all customers' demands. Therefor, one should identify and select one of the market segments, which is most attractive and capable of providing effective services to the customers, from the whole markets as one's target segment to compete at Niche market with competitors in multi-level structured market.
Using the sample data sampled from the Northern Taiwan Mobile Phone subscribers, the present study investigates the purchase behaviors of the mobile telephone subscribers and divides the whole mobile telephone market properly into several segments. The characteristics and behaviors of the consumers in each segment are then analyzed and described such that it may help the service providers in choosing their adequate marketing strategy. For this purpose, EKB model is used as a conceptual frame and AIO lifestyle variables are used as a basis of market segmentation. The simple random sampling method is used to obtain 751 effective samples from 1,221 questionnaires sent out to the Northern Taiwan Mobile Phone users. The methods of factoring, clustering, variance, Chi-square and Schema’s test statistics are used to analyze the sampled data. By factoring analysis, eight factors are extracted from lifestyle variables and by clustering analysis, four consumer groups are separated out. The results show: 1. The purchase motivation of the buyers in each market segment is not significantly different. 2. The demographics variables: gender; age and occupation in each segment are significantly different. 3. The purchase decision making variables: information gathering; evaluation criteria and consumption reality are significantly different. As a whole, the major motivation for a customer to subscribe to the mobile telephone service is for its handy communication benefit and a necessity in working places; relatives and friends are the major information sources about the mobile telephone service providers; quality, prices and service grades are the major concern in selecting service provider; more than half of the subscribers has subscription period less than two years; the top three service providers are Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., Pacific Cellular Corp. and Far Eastone Telecommunications Co; the service provider is selected based on the price and transmission quality; less than NT$15,000 is deemed for handset price; no more than six calls per day is made by a subscriber; about 60% of subscribers never changed their service provider.
Key word: mobile phone、purchase behavior、market segmentation、lifestyle