Title: | 以CORBA為基底輔助會計師稽核資訊系統之架構 An Integrated Auditing Architecture for Internet and Information System Design under a CORBA Environment |
Authors: | 林鳳儀 Fengyi Lin 吳壽山 黃景彰 Soushan Wu Jing-Jang Hwang 經營管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 電腦輔助稽核技術;物件導向技術;網路安全技術;網際網路技術;分散式物件;電腦審計;Computer-assisted auditing Technigues;Object-Oriented Technigues;Internet Security Technigues;Internet Technigue;Distributed Object Middlewares;Computer Auditing |
Issue Date: | 1999 |
Abstract: | 近年來由於資訊技術的日益精進,企業多數依賴電腦化系統來管理其龐大且重覆的財務資訊。因此稽核人員在查核客戶之財務報表的同時,評估受查企業之會計資訊系統乃成為必要的工作。然而傳統的會計資訊系統因開發的時間不一,使用不同程式語言設計,或架設在不同平台上,以至於喪失各應用系統間的互通性(interoperability)導至資訊傳遞的困難。鑑於上述,本研究擬設計一套稽核資訊系統架構( Architecture for Information System Framework),來闡明新興的資訊科技如物件導向、網路安全技術、網際網路技術、及分散式物件規格等如何輔助會計師從事電腦稽核的工作,以解決過去受查企業之EDP系統因缺乏整合性而導致稽核人員稽核之困擾。並提出一個立基於分散式物件規格CORBA之技術,具體說明此稽核資訊系統的實施步驟。本研究最後以一金融機構的管理稽核個案為例,說明如何利用此稽核資訊系統架構,實作相關之CORBA環境下之標準介面與稽核模組。
3.實際以物件導向技術與CORBA規格開發此一稽核資訊系統,使得所有資料庫物件可以透過物件訊息中介者(Object Request Broker; ORB)跨越各種工作平台、網路通訊協定互相傳遞,提高各應用系統間的整合性,亦使許多傳統須以人工方式從事的稽核流程能以更自動化的方式執行。 The increasing dependence on EDP systems in modem organizations has raised serious concerns from auditing professionals. Accounting information systems have been, traditionally, developed with different computer languages, and, thus, are not portable from platforms to platforms. For the need of inter-portability, the author constructs a framework for the auditing of accounting information systems. In the framework, the author utilizes modem information technologies including those of object-oriented software engineering, Internet security, Web applications, and distributed middleware. The base of this framework is a middleware, called CORBA, which sets up an environment that allows“traditional”EDP systems be integrated with auditing systems using standard interfaces. In summary, the main contributions of this dissertation include these: (1)Conducting a comprehensive survey of literatures on the subjects of computer auditing and relevant information technologies; (2)Designing a framework that can be regarded as an infrastructure of connecting and moving software components across heterogeneous platforms; (3)Presenting a case study on a commercial institute to illustrate the feasibility of the framework. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/66032 |
Appears in Collections: | 畢業論文 |