Title: | 靜態電腦平面影像圖式線索與影像處理軟體指令相關性研究 The Relationship Between the Pictorial Cues in Depth Perceptions of Two-Dimensional Images and the Commands of Image Processing Software |
Authors: | 俞聖棠 Yu Sheng Tone 張恬君 應用藝術研究所 |
Keywords: | 深度知覺理論;影像處理軟體;指令;藝術形式;Principle of depth perception;Commands;Image processing software;Art form |
Issue Date: | 1999 |
Abstract: | 摘要
Walter Benjamin(1979)主張只要不斷革新藝術技巧,就可以不斷推動藝術的進步;藝術家當充分利用報紙、電影、無線電、照相術等新的藝術生產技巧,改造舊的藝術生產方式,改變傳統藝術感知方式。因此,藝術家不能只關心藝術目的,也須關心藝術生產工具,關心怎樣得心應手地重建藝術形式。
以上形成本研究推論「電腦平面影像作品以電腦為工具,電腦以軟體功能提供電腦藝術家創作媒介,而軟體本身的指令copy(複製)、Cut Paste(剪貼) 、Transform(扭曲、縮放、傾斜、旋轉、移動)、Scale(改變尺寸) 、Filter(濾鏡) 、Image(色彩調整)等等功能造成電腦藝術品的形式慣例」。
實驗結果得到指令與深度之間的相關為:電腦藝術家多以簡單功能的指令進行創作,作品的總體深度與透視法、實際尺寸、紋理遞變、大氣遠近法、色彩之間都有顯著關係。使用與未使用Scale與Curves指令,對電腦影像總體深度影響有差異,Scale指令以縮放影像的尺寸來造成之圖示線索的透視法(Perspective)與相對尺寸(Relative Size),引起深度差異;而Curves指令以改變影像色彩的樣式來造成深度知覺之圖示線索的色彩(Color)與紋理遞變﹙Texture Gradients﹚。 Abstract Walter Benjamin has suggested that once we try to evolve the skill of the art, we can make the art progress. Plenty of artists try to use newspaper,movies,radio as well as photography froquentlly as kinds of new art production skill. Accordingly, an artist would not only be care about the goal of the art but also the tool of the art croation. They have been making their effort to understand how to construct art form technically. Computer images are basically built up by the novel science and technology formally. It was operated coordinately with the modernism as well as the mixing of clloage technique. Could it happen that to construct an art by the use of computer media would replace the impression of the one construct by the traditional artistic construction media? Computer artist uses the computer software constructed by modern science and technology to be engaged in the art composition. Then, the command-oriented computer software should be related to the form of the depth perception of the modern computer art. In that case, the commands would affect the art form and the style. They might guide the users to follow the convention to build up their artistic creation. The design of the command may influent the art form. It causes the art form to be the relacted result of the command. As a result of those comments, the study infer that the commands of the image software like Copy, Cut, Paste, Transform, Scale, Filter, and Image may cause the style or the form of the artistic production with the convention or customary practice. Accordingly, the study impliment three experiments to investigate the relationship between computer commands and the depth perception. Experiment 1: The purpose of this experiment was to inspect the identification of the commands which were used. Experiment 2:To analyse the general habits and characteristics of those computer artists in using those commands in form and evaluated the commands which were used by the used computer artist selected from SIGGRAPH97-98. Experiment 3:The study obtain the tendency of overall depth impression from the 35 SIGGRAPH97-98 computer image productions.The study investigated the most effective one among the models of depth perception on the computer images .The relationships between the commands and the depth perception were alse examined. Accroding to the experiment, command and the depth perception are related. Computer artist tend to use simple command to create art work .There is an obvious relationship among Perspective, Relative Size,Texture Gradints, and Atmospheric perspective .Using the Scale and Curves command affect computer image’s depth perception.Scale command causes the Perspective and Reative Size effects by changing the size.Curves command causes Color and Texture Gradints effects by changing the color. Key words:Principles of depth perception Commands Image prosessing sortware Art form |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/66185 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |