標題: announcement, insignificant, murmur 一個網頁形式的創作陳述
announcement, insignificant, murmur - a web-based art project
作者: 葉介華
Yeh Chieh-Hua
Tien-Chun Chang
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 網路的快速發展與電腦科技的進步,已經使得這兩者成為許多人日常生活的一部份,對藝術創作者來說,運用它當作創作的媒材,是一個可行的途徑,並且可以透過這樣的媒材,重新檢視創作行為與創作者的關係,甚至可以提供創作者更多創作上的可能性以及方向。 announcement, insignificant, murmur就是一個透過網頁為作品形式的創作,作品完全在電腦上面完成,並透過網路作為展覽的唯一空間,作品所在的網址為:http://aim.idv.tw 創作者將此作品定位為「一種實驗性的素描」,實驗性一方面代表形式上的多重嘗試,一方面代表著擴張的能力;創作者希望藉由發展出一種網頁架構來實踐擴張的可能,並且將互動技術,視為一種扮演連接與傳遞作品概念的角色。 本作品屬於具有某種觀念性的創作,創作者藉由數位影像傳遞觀念,在作品中,創作者挪用電腦環境中的形象:例如檔案夾、垃圾桶和鍵盤等,並使用大量重複的形象與持續聲音回圈,企圖營造一種不可抗拒的重複性以及煩瑣的氛圍。 本文件與作品有著緊密的關係,文件因為作品的發表所以才成立,文件的內容將包含創作環境、命名、架構、技術層面、創作者的創作自述以及作品完成後的思考等幾個部份,另外還包括創作者在創作過程中相關的圖像與文字的草稿。
The Internet and computer technologies with their rapid development have become a part of many people's daily lives. For artists, to use computer technology as a medium is another possibility. Electronic media, providing artists more possibilities and directions in art creation, allows artists to re-examine the relationship between artists and the process of the art creation. "Announcement, Insignificant, Murmur" is an artwork that is presented in the form of web page. The artwork is constructed and completed on the computer, and the artwork only exhibits on the Internet. The URL (web address) of the work is http://aim.idv.tw The artist identifies the project as "an experimental sketch". The project experiments in various forms, and shows the possibility of expansion. The artist hopes to develop and to experiment the possibilities of expansion through the linkage of web pages, and he regards interactive technology as a way of connecting and transmitting art concepts. It is a conceptual work. The artist relies on the concept of digital image transmission and borrows the symbols in the co mputer environment such as folders, trash cans and keyboard. The artist also uses repetitive images and continuous sounds purposefully to create a sense of overwhelming repetition and an atmosphere/aura of boredom. This document is closely related to the artwork. The article exists out of the publication of the artwork and contains several parts: creation environment, designation, structure, technical issues, the artist's statement and reflection. In addition, this article includes the draft and related sketches evolved throughout the creation process.