Title: 個人操作與合作參與的設計溝通活動探討 -在構想階段中使用電腦媒材為例-
The exploration of design activities and representations -Illustrations of the usage of computer media in the conceptual generation stage-
Authors: 單世瑄
Keywords: 設計活動;設計呈現;構想發展;電腦媒材;設計溝通;design activity;design representation;concept generation;computer media;design communication
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 當電腦媒材介入設計構想過程時,是否會造成設計思考活動與設計呈現模式的改變。這是自從90年代,電腦媒材正式進入設計前期的概念構想階段時,所引發對電腦的研究議題。當然,在80年代甚至回溯到60年代,人們對電腦先後處於設計後期與設計過程中的研究,已可說是琳瑯滿目,不過大多是在設計的活動中,相關於技術層面的著墨。而由於電腦科技技術的提昇,使得人們依靠電腦從事設計概念構想與呈現時,已模擬出類似人類思考的模式(人工智慧),即是在對於訊息的傳達與合作的溝通行為上,呈現出多向度的思考活動與行為表現。因此基於在個人與合作的設計活動範疇,當電腦作為設計思考與呈現的工具時,其出現的差異性應是為何。而當這些差異性的結果被發現時,是否也可以作為反應設計思考模式在不同媒材中,所扮演的行為表現。因此在本研究中,針對電腦媒材工具所介入的設計構想階段,嘗試在設計活動、設計呈現與不同個體的設計發展,找尋出各自的特性與相互間的差異,以作為日後電腦輔助設計在設計前期,能夠協助將設計概念構想具體化實現的參考依據。
Would computer media bring a change to design thinking activities and design representation models, when they are involved in the design process? It has been a hot issue for research since the 90's, it was a time when computer media were adopted in the conceptual generation stage - an early design stage. During the 80's, or even back to the 60's, there were many researches about computer media in the late stage of design, but most of them concerned on the technique side. With the improvement of computer technology, people rely on computers to generate their concepts and represent their design, and thus they simulate a human-like thinking model - artificial intelligence - which shows a multi-dimensional way of thinking and behavior when conveying messages and communications. Therefore, this study is about the differences between individual design activities and collaboration design activities when computer media are adopted into the conceptual generation process. And when these differences are found, they might reflect the roles that design thinking models play in different media. Therefore, this study - with a focus on the design conceptual stage in which computer media are involved - tries to find out the differences among design activities, design representations, and individual design so as to provide guidance for those who want to make their design concept more concrete when they use computers in the early design stage.
Appears in Collections:Thesis