Title: 以環形擴散採樣器採集大氣中酸、鹼性氣體輿微粒 - 美國環保署新舊標準方法應用於台灣地區採樣之比較
Sampling of Acid and Basic Gases and Particles in the atmosphere Using Annular Denuder System - A Comparison of US EPA Methods as Applied to the Taiwan's Atmosphere
Authors: 羅怡弦
Yi-Hsuan Lo
Hsunling Bai
Keywords: 環形擴散採樣器;酸性氣體;氨;採樣誤差;annular denuder system;acicic gases;NH3;sampling biases
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 本研究以環形擴散採樣器(ADS)之新、舊標準方法與Bai and Wen(2000)所建議採樣組裝方式,同時對標準方法中幾種可採集之目標物染物及HF氣體做差異性分析及適用性的探討。
由研究結果顯示,不同酸性污染物塗覆溶劑於採樣管內之串聯順序,對後端採集NH3氣體與濾紙夾微粒之結果影響不大。應用differential method之修正方法,對不同酸性氣體污染物採樣時,有其最可信賴之組裝方式,並以此作為該氣體之參考標準方法,將另外兩種方式之採樣結果對該標準方法進行偏差百分率計算。
This study is an evaluation between the methods of previous US.EPA and up-to-date annular denuder system (ADS) to measure acidic and basic gases and particles in the atmosphere. Otherwise, it also applied arrangement recommended by Bai and Wen (2000) to compare with the old and new US.EPA referential method. Experiments of different ADS arrangements for sampling HF gas are also conducted in this study to confirm their sampling suitability for HF gas.
Experimental results indicated that different acidic gases coating material almost has no influence on the followed basic gas denuder as well as particles in filter pack. By the differential method, there was a reliable method for specific species. Therefore, sampling deviation could be calculated for the other two devices as compared to the preferential referential method.
As the result of experiments, the simple US.EPA method may yield over 300 % relative deviation for sampling HNO3 gas. For typically high HNO2, HCl (>0.8 mg/m3) and NH3 gas concentration in Taiwan as compared to other countries’ measurement data, use one denuder coating with Na2CO3 should yield less than 10% deviation. The reliable assembly for HF gas is two Na2CO3 coated denuders in sequence, using one Na2CO3 denuder may obtain higher relative error at low HF gas concentration condition. In conclusion, this study also provides several simple assemblies to trap gases within acceptable sampling deviation and suggestions in atmosphere sampling.
Appears in Collections:Thesis