Title: MELP語音編碼專用處理器
An Application Specific Processor for MELP Speech CodingProcessing
Authors: 陳建志
Chien-Chih Chen
Chin-Teng Lin
Keywords: MELP語音編碼;浮點處理器;語音傳輸;MELP;Speech Coding;floating-point processor
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 語音傳輸是目前最主要也最普遍的通訊傳輸服務。在數位語音下的傳輸更有彈性,能夠降低價格、維持品質、並提供保密的功能。由於使用者的增加與有限的頻寬。新的語音編碼傳輸位元率已由8Kbps(CELP)與4.8Kbps(CS-ACELP)發展至2.4Kbps(MELP)。也因為傳輸位元率的降低,語音品質就只能由更複雜的演算法來提升,這使得實現快速語音編碼相當困難。
此晶片以Cell-Based方式設計完成,使用TSMC 0.35um製成之標準元件庫,預估能工作於60MHz。
Speech communication is the most dominant and common service in telecommunication at present. Digital transmission of speech is more elasticity, providing the opportunity of achieving cost, consistent quality, security and spectral efficiency in the systems that exploit it. Due to the increase in number of users and limited bandwidth available, the transmission rate of new digital speech coding techniques has dropped from 8Kbps(CELP), 4.8Kbps(CS-ACELP) to 2.4Kbps(MELP). As the bit rate falling, the speech quality can only be maintained by employing very complex algorithms which are difficult to implement in FAST speech coding.
This thesis investigates a new application specific processor for speech coding processing. The processor is designed to process Mixed Excitation Linear Prediction (MELP) coding which is the best and common speech compression. We use hardware-software codesign methodology to optimize the processor architecture and instruction set. The processor uses a five-stage pipeline to balance performance and core area. It has two memory banks for vector operation, four-level recurrent loops, multi-layer stacks, 24-bit floating-point unit for precision, 8-bit exponent unit for large dynamic range operation and special instructions for parallel operation. Each instruction length is fixed as 24 bits. The processor provide six special addressing
modes and 3-operand operations.
The chip is realized by using a TSMC 0.35μm 1P4M CMOS fabrication and synthesis by COMPASS cell library. The silicon area required for the core is
approximately11.56 .
1.1 相關研究發展現況
1.2 研究動機
2.1 Melp 壓縮法分析
2.1.1 編碼部分
2.1.2 解碼部分
2.2 Melp 壓縮法實現
2.3 Melp 基本架構
2.3.1 資料格式
2.3.2 架構分析
3.1 主要架構與性能
3.2 指令集與定址法
3.2.1 定址法形式
3.2.2 指令集
3.3 管線式架構
3.4 晶片處理流程
4.1 晶片內部各模組架構
4.1.1 控制線路
4.1.2 程式控制
4.1.3 位址控制
4.1.4 資料控制
4.1.5 資料衝突控制
4.1.6 算術運算單元(ALU)
4.1.7 檢測線路
4.2 向量運算與平行運算
4.3 浮點運算單元
4.4 測試考量
4.5 佈局、封裝與layout
4.6 設計流程
5.1 Emulator簡介
5.1.1 Emulator的功能介紹
5.1.2 軟體的發展流程
5.1.3 Emulator使用格式
5.1.4 Emulator主要架構
5.2 Assembler簡介
5.2.1 Assembler的功能介紹
5.2.2 組合語言的發展流程
5.2.3 Assembler的執行環境與方式
5.2.4 原始碼的語法格式
5.2.5 指令集應用
6.1 C Simulation Result
6.2 RTL & Gate Level Simulation Result
6.3 效能評比
Appears in Collections:Thesis