Title: 抗諧振反射光波導(ARROW)製作與特性量測
Fabrication and Characterization of ARROW Waveguides
Authors: 涂宮強
Kong- Chiang Tu
Yang-Tung Huang
Keywords: 抗諧振反射光波導;全反射;轉移矩陣法;等效折射係數法;回切法;ARROW;Total Internal Reflection;Fabry-Perot;Transfer Matrix Method;Effective Index Method;cut-back method;Propagation loss
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 本論文設計抗諧振反射光波導(ARROW)並利用半導體製程技術在矽基片上製作。首先利用全反射(Total Internal Reflection)和Fabry-Perot理論設計抗諧振反射光波導結構,然後利用轉移矩陣法(Transfer Matrix Method)和等效折射係數法(Effective Index Method)來模擬元件的傳輸特性。選擇具有寬度80□m的脊狀抗諧振反射波導結構來模擬二維平面抗諧振反射光波導結構。利用回切法(cut-back method)量測傳播損耗。此元件TE的量測損耗為2.19 dB/cm,TM的量測損耗為4.31 dB/cm。
In this research, the ARROW structure waveguide is designed and fabricated on the silicon substrate by semiconductor manufacturing technology. Total internal reflection and Fabry-Perot theory are used to design the ARROW structure. The transfer matrix method and effective index method are used to simulate the propagation performance of ARROW waveguides. The rib-ARROW structure waveguide with width of 80 □m was chosen to simulate two dimensional planar ARROW waveguide. The propagation losses of TE and TM modes measured by using the cut-back method are 2.19 dB/cm and 4.31 dB/cm, respectively.
Appears in Collections:Thesis