Title: 高功率半導體雷射激發式被動非線性鏡鎖模固態雷射之研究
High Power diode-pumped Passively Mode-Locked Solid-State Laser with Nonlinear Mirror
Authors: 蔡勝偉
Sheng-Wei Tsai
S. C. Wang
Y. F. Chen
Keywords: 非線性鏡鎖模;非線性鏡;被動鎖模;半導體激發式;固態雷射;nonlinear mirror mode-locked;nonlinear mirror;passively mode-locked;diode-pumped;solid-state laser
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 我們藉由非線性鏡的被動鎖模技術對半導體雷射端面激發固態雷射進行鎖模,獲得平均功率可達5.7瓦的TEM00連續鎖模雷射輸出,其峰值功率可達千瓦。本論文並研究非線性被動鎖模之設計參數對雷射輸出特性的影響,其中包括非線性晶體長度與耦合輸出鏡反射率對鎖模雷射輸出特性之影響。由實驗結果我們得出最佳之設計參數,並與相關理論之分析結果相符。
We investigated the performance of the high-power diode-end-pump CW mode-locked laser with the non-linear mirror technology. With 15-mm KTP crystal, greater than 5.7W of average output power at a repetition rate of 148 MHz was obtained at 17-W absorbed pump power. The minimum duration of the mode-locked pulses was obtained with 3-mm KTP length; and its value was around 10-ps at the average output power of 4.9-W. We also studied the design criteria of the parameters, including the length of KTP crystal and the reflectivity of output coupler. The experimental results were found to be in good agreement with the theoretical analysis.
Appears in Collections:Thesis