標題: 數據通訊用PIN diode之高速特性
The High Speed Characteristics of the PIN Diode for Data Communication
作者: 楊欣諭
Hsin-Yu Yang
祁 甡
Sien Chi
Rong-Heng Yuang
關鍵字: PIN二極體;小訊號等效電路;distributed RC effect;擴散濃度;TO-can封裝;PIN diode;small signal equivalent circuit;distributed RC effect;TO-can package
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 本篇論文主要針對PIN diode之小訊號等效電路模擬、封裝效應,及其高速特性作探討。以PIN diode的物理結構為基礎,說明典型的PIN diode小訊號等效模型;藉由引入distributed RC effect觀念所得到之電路模型,可以得到更好的參數萃取結果;再考慮擴散濃度分布的影響下 ,我們得到一個Rd及Cd之修正等效電路模型,利用此修正之等效電路架構,可以讓最佳化參數之萃取的誤差在1%之內。另外,對於現今常用在光電元件上的TO-can封裝型式,我們嘗試用最簡易的方式去定義它,就整個封裝可能所造成的效應加以探究,同時以實驗的方式去得知TO-can封裝在高速操作下的限制。而對於Hybrid PIN-FET,我們也顯示出其高速特性。
The small signal equivalent circuit, packaging effects and high-speed characteristics of the PIN diode are investigated in this thesis. We demonstrate a typical small signal equivalent circuit of the PIN diode based on the device physics. By introducing the concept of a distributed RC effect into the model, we can obtain better extracting circuit parameters. As a result, the error of the optimization extracting parameters can be within 1%. In addition, for the TO-can package which is commonly used nowadays, we tentatively use a rough circuit model to define it and investigate the possible effects. The experiments exhibit the limit of TO-can package under high-speed operation. The high-speed characteristics of the hybrid PIN-FET are also presented.