標題: 利用扭曲量子井布拉格式飽和吸收鏡之被動鎖模鈦藍寶石雷射特性之研究
Characterization of a Passive Mode Locked Ti-sapphire Laser With a Strained Quantum Well Saturable Bragg Reflector
作者: 陳哲聰
Jer-tsong Chen
Ci-Ling Pan
關鍵字: 被動鎖模;半導體飽和吸收反射鏡;飽和吸收布拉格反射鏡;鈦藍寶石雷射;二階自相關器;雙光子吸收干涉式自相關儀;passive mode-locking;semiconductor saturable absorber mirror;saturable absorber Bragg Reflector;Ti-sapphire laser;second order autocorrelation
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 摘要 本論文主要研究以扭曲式飽和布拉格反射鏡(SSBR)起動鈦藍寶石鎖模雷射輸出特性,利用雙光子吸收干涉式相關儀與時間閘系統研究脈衝在穩定態與脈衝在建立過程的特性。 以往本實驗室自行設計的扭曲式飽和布拉格反射鏡在起動鈦藍寶石鎖模雷射有不錯的輸出結果,此次我們又設計了一新的且有較高反射率的SSBR,由自組的鈦藍寶石雷射,觀察在沒有SSBR下利用克爾效應起動的鎖模雷射,與利用SSBR起動的鎖模雷射之間的差異。以自組的雙光子吸收干涉式相關儀、光譜儀、快速光偵測器觀察以SSBR起動的鎖模雷射輸出特性。再利用二個可自鎖定的斬波器(chopper)組成的時間閘系統,觀察鎖模雷射的起動過程,光譜的變化。最後將SSBR置於共振腔不同位址觀察其起動時間的差異。 從結果我們可以發現,以克爾效應起動的脈衝輸出有較短的脈衝寬度、與波長可調範圍,但對共振腔調整要求較高,穩定性較差。以SSBR起動的脈衝輸出有較佳的穩定性且起動容易,但由於其高反射率的頻寬不夠寬,使得其脈衝寬度較寬,波長可調範圍較短。而在脈衝起動過程中我們發現雷射在起動過程中由連續波到脈衝輸出由頻譜圖可發現是不同波長。而SSBR在腔內不同位置其起動時間不同,推論SSBR的滿飽強度與脈衝的啾頻大小有關
Abstract We demonstrate mode-locking of femtosecond Ti-sapphire laser with a strained quantum well saturable Bragg reflector (SSBR). Two strained quantum wells were used as the absorbing layer. Self starting 110fs pulse tunable from 780 to 815nm were generated in a X-folded cavity with an average output power of 800mW at a pulse repetition rate of 93MHz.We have achieved a mode locking build up time only 20us, using the SSBR to initiate the pulse formation. By time gated system, we found that the mode locked spectrum grow up faster than CW spectrum when the buildup time is shorter than 40us. When the buildup time is larger than 40us, the CW spectrum grow up faster than mode locked spectrum.