標題: 多路徑效應對GPS高程測量之影響
A Study on Antenna Multipath Effect of the GPS Height Surveying
作者: 林敬軒
關鍵字: 多路徑效應;multipath effect
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 摘要 本論文主要在探討多路徑效應對於GPS高程測量的影響,藉由正確掌握多路徑效應發生的時機與數量,進而分析多路徑效應變化對GPS高程測量之影響。 實驗設計:硬體採用雙頻GPS接收儀(Trimble 4000SSE、Leica CR233及Leica SR530)及接收天線(4000ST L1/L2 Geodetic、SR399及AT520),軟體採用多路徑偵測程式(TEQC)及基線解算軟體(Bernese)。 本論文的目標是評估天線多路徑效應對GPS高程測量結果之影響,祈能對GPS測量之高程精度有所改善。
ABSTRACT The subject of this research is to study the multipath effect of GPS height surveying. This algorithm is derived to be the index of multipath occurred and to be applied to assist editing cycle slips of carrier phase measurements. The hardware used in the designed experiments is dual-frequency GPS receivers (Trimble 4000SSE、Leica CR233 and Leica SR530) and antennas(4000ST L1/L2 Geodetic、SR399 and AT520). As for the software, the developed multhipath detecting program(TEQC) and existing baseline computation programs(Bernese) are adopted. Thus, the main goals of this research is to study the multipath effect on GPS height surveying, and to modify the specification of GPS survey.