標題: 擬陣理論設計偵察員方法的比較
A Comparison of Matroid-theoretical Monitor Design Methods
作者: 馮龍瑞
LoungJuei Feng
Liang Gau-Rong
關鍵字: 現場監控;偵察員;擬陣理論;可畫圖擬陣;可表達擬陣;Shop Floor Control;Monitor;Matroid Theory;Graphic Matroid;Representable Matroid
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 本論文利用兩種擬陣理論方法作為設計現場監控的偵察員比較,其中一種方式是藉由裴氏圖轉換可畫圖擬陣,而另一種方法則藉由裴氏圖的狀態方程式轉換可表達擬陣。除了以最小覆蓋所呈現的屬性聯立方程式之外,可利用圖形化擬陣與可表達擬陣計算出相互獨立的不變量式子,然後在即時型專家系統G2中將這些不變量式子設計出相對映的偵察員。為了以G2為基礎實作偵察員,本論文舉生產線系統、輸送控制系統、液體加溫系統與彈性灌模系統(三個桶子)四個例子針對這兩種擬陣理論作比較。
Two kinds of matroid-theoretic methods for designing monitors on the shop floor are compared. One is to transform a given Petri net into a graphic matroid. The other is to transform its state equation into a representable matroid. Both the graphic and the representable matroids are used for computing the independent invariants in addition to its minimal cover that stands for the system of attribute equations. Then the invariants are applied to designing the corresponding monitors through a real-time expert system called G2. Four G2-based monitor design examples are implemented for comparing the two matroid-theoretic methods. There are an assembly line system, a conveyor-controlling system, a liquid-heating system, and a 3-tank mold-filling system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis