標題: 研發人員及生產規劃人員生涯導向之研究
A Study on the Career Orientations of R&D workers and Production Planners in Taiwan
作者: 賴慧芬
Huifen Lai
Dr.Ruey-Yun Horng
關鍵字: 研發人員;生產規劃人員;生涯導向;工作適配;R&D worker;production planner;career orientation;job-fit
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 企業若能重視組織內員工的生涯需求,進而發展妥適的員工生涯管理系統,則能充分運用人力資源,增加公司的競爭力。員工的生涯導向若能與其工作的特性適配,則有較高的工作滿足與較低的離職意願。本研究以Schein的生涯錨比較台灣科技產業之研發工作者及生產相關方面之規劃工作者的生涯導向,並探討年齡、工作年資、教育程度、性別及婚姻等個人變項和個人生涯導向與其工作適配的關係。透過問卷,回收率為70%,獲得90位研發人員及80位生產規劃人員的資料。資料分析結果顯示,技術挑戰型與管理型兩種生涯錨可顯著區分研發人員與生產規劃人員。就生涯導向與工作適配方面的分析結果顯示,研發人員的年紀愈大或是年資愈久,其生涯導向與其工作適配的程度愈低,此結果與研究假設相反。男性生產規劃人員的生涯導向與其工作適配程度比女性生產規劃人員要高,此結果則符合研究假設。由這些現象顯示,不同的工作性質各有其特定的生涯導向;且生涯導向是會受經驗影響而改變的。個人選擇工作時,應先充分瞭解該工作的特性,使個人能與工作環境特性配合。另一方面,組織也應提供適當的管道以協助員工在其生涯導向轉變時,能有適當的生涯出路。
It is important for companies to understand the career orientation of their employees, so that the appropriate career management system can be tailored to meet the employees’ needs. Achieving good fit between an employee’s career orientation and the nature of his/her work will enhance employee’s job satisfaction, improve retention, and increase a company’s competitiveness. This study investi- gated the career orientations of R&D workers and production planners in Taiwan and tried to locate differences between career orientations of these two groups. Ninety R&D workers and eighty production planners participated in this study. Measures of their career orientations, job satisfactions werd obtained by question- naire. The returned rate was 70%. The results indicate that R&D workers are oriented toward seeking technicalchallenges oriented whereas planners are oriented toward management career. The degree of fit between an employee’s career orientation and his/her current job was also found to be related to worker’s age, tenure and gender. Contrary to our research hypothesis, R&D workers’ career orientations became less fit with their job characteristics as they got older and had longer tenure. In addition, consistent with our research hypothesis, male production planners’ jobs fit their career orientations better than their female counterparts. The implications of these findings were discussed.