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dc.contributor.authorYing-Huei Jangen_US
dc.contributor.authorTai-Sheng Hwangen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 台灣鐵路為國內重要的城際運輸系統之一,『安全』是運輸營業的首要條件,然過於強調『安全第一』的理念,反而減少合理及客觀探究『安全風險』課題的機會,承認運輸活動具有安全風險,並加以科學化管理,在先進國家己成為主流之作法,另外值得注意的是風險與安全設備的投資金額必須達到平衡,也就是說,除了風險不可以太高之外,安全設備的投資金額也不可以過高。 本研究僅就安全風險概念及其在台鐵營運安全管理方面之運用作分析,針對台鐵營運安全之特性,將『風險』定義為『台鐵事故發生機率與事故發生後之後果﹝嚴重程度﹞的乘積』,又為進行量化之分析,就台鐵民國85年至89年之事故資料,彙整『死傷事故』及『故障事故』作為研究之課題。 本研究運用『死傷事故』及『故障事故』之安全風險值及風險貢獻度作分析,並依等值死亡之觀念,對『死傷事故』進行『個人安全風險指標』之評估,經研究評析後,台鐵每載運百萬人旅次中,平均造成1.075人死亡,其中『乘客』占12.91%,『職工』占0.62%,『第三人』占86.47%,另依列車事故F-N曲線,對『大型事故』即多死傷事故,進行『社會安全風險指標』之評估。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Taiwan Railway is one of the important domestic intercity transport- ation systems. “Safety” is the first priority for transporting operations. Ho- wever, over emphasize “Safety First” may reduce reasonable and objective investigation op- portunity for “Safety Risk” To admit the nature of transp- orting activities with s- afety risk and to manage scientifically has been po- pularly facilitated in advanced countries. Others worthwhile to be noted are the balances between safety and invested amounts for safety equipment. In another word, besides to keep the risk low, the invested dollar amounts for safety equipment should not exceed either. The purpose of this research is to analyze the safety risk concept ap- plied in Taiwan Railway operating safety management. To define “risk” as “ Taiwan Railway’s accidents rate times accidents’ results (the severe degr- ee)” according to the characteristics of Taiwan Railway operating safety. Further research sub- jects are to summarize Taiwan Railway’s accident in- formation during 1996 to 2000, then categorize “death and injured accide- nt” and “malfunction accident”. This research analyzes safety risk’s value and risk contribution rate of “death and injured accident” and “malfunction accident”, and to evaluate “ind- ividual safety risk index” of “death and injured accident” according to the “equal to death” concept. After studied and analyzed the data, results are per million traveling times carried by Taiwan Railways, caused average 1.075 person death. The number is shared by “passanger”12.91%,“employ- ees” 0.62%, and “the th- ird party” 86.47%. Besides, there are also evalua- tions for “social safety risk in- dex” of “major accident, which is numbered death accidents”, according to acc- ident F-N curve.en_US
dc.subjectRisk Indexen_US
dc.subjectRailway Operation Safetyen_US
dc.titleResearch on Taiwan Railway Transportation Servicesen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis