Title: | 鐵路路線養護優先順位排序方法之研究 |
Authors: | 王兆賢 黃承傳 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 軌道不整;養護需求綜合指標 |
Issue Date: | 2000 |
Abstract: | 鐵路運輸經營的最大特色,在於其為連續性的運送行為。而路線品質的優劣,則是影響鐵路運輸是否順暢的重要因素之一。因此本研究主要針對目前鐵路路線養護作業優先順位的排定方式,作深入的探討,並尋求更為合理且適用的養護順位排序方式。 本研究首先回顧相關路線養護研究文獻並探討台鐵養護作業現況,以作為後續研究的背景資料,增加對鐵路養護的認識。其次,針對路線損壞及軌道不整兩方面的相關議題做深入的探討,並建立路線養護需求綜合指標。台鐵現行營運路線主要包括西部幹線(山、海線)、北迴線及南迴線,其中以西部幹線(山線)的列車行駛班次最為頻繁,為台鐵最主要的營運路段,所以本研究選取西部幹線(山線)為研究範圍。 路線養護需求綜合指標的建立,主要分為兩大步驟,首先是對會造成軌道不整現象的影響因子作探討,再收集實際資料應用迴歸方法建立五個軌道不整模式。第二部份則是利用專家問卷的方法,應用Delphi─AHP的技巧,求取五個軌道不整量的權重,建立能代表路線品質的養護需求綜合指標。 經由實例分析結果,由各路段所呈現路線養護需求綜合指標值的大小,可以判斷路線養護的需求強度。依此養護需求強度,便可排定路線所需養護順序及時機。並可藉由路線養護需求綜合指標值,配合單位的實際預算執行情況,作養護經費的分配,以使有限的養護經費,用在最適當的時間和地點,發揮最大的經費使用效率。 The essential characteristic of railway industry is its continuous transport, and one of the important factors that are influenced on is the quality of the railroad . According to the above point , the main purpose of this study is to explore the priority order of track maintenance and finds out more reasonable and proper way of arrangement. This study, begins with reviewing relevant literature on track maintenance , and investigating the existing conditions of T.R.A . In order to obtain a combined index of track maintenance, that priority ranking railroad devastation and track defective issues are then discussed. Current railroad system operated by Taiwan Railway Administration comprise the west line (mountain line and ocean line), Bai-Hwai line and Nan-Hwai line, of which the west line (mountain line) is the most important route .There fore the west line (mountain line ) is selected as the scope of this research . The procedure of developing a combined index of track maintenance consists of two parts. First, find out the important factors resulting in the track defective, and then develop five regression models of track defective using real data of the west line. Second, conduct a questionnaire survey to obtain weights of these five track defectives from railway experts using technique of Delphi-AHP. Apply by illustration , the above mentioned indexs calculated can examine the relative nrrds for track maintenance .By that, the order and occasion of track maintenance can then be arranged, and the limited maintenance expenditure can be used in proper time and places to maximize the utilization of track maintenance resource. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/66600 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |