標題: 利用模糊類神經網路加強彩色影像車輛偵測
Using Fuzzy Neural Network to Enhance Color Image Vehicular Detection
作者: 郭怡雯
April Yi-Wen Kuo
Lawrence W. Lan
關鍵字: Color Image Vehicular Detection;Fuzzy Neural Network;Background Differencing Method;彩色影像車輛偵測;模糊類神經網路;背景相減法
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 在交通控制與規劃中,交通參數是規劃者進行決策分析時重要的參考依據。近年來,車輛影像辨識逐漸取代傳統線圈偵測以擷取交通車流參數。在進行影像偵測與辨識時,「背景相減法」是普遍被研究者所使用的,但過去多是應用在灰階影像的辨識上,缺乏在彩色影像方面的研究。但由於彩色影像辨識具有R、G、B三種像素,因此能夠比灰階影像提供更多的資訊作為分析基礎原件。
Traffic data collection is extensively required by planners in traffic control and management. In recent years, traffic parameters are obtained by vehicular image detection system instead of loop detectors. While utilizing for vehicular detection, background-differencing technique is usually applied by researchers. The image of pervious researches is based on gray-level, not color-level. Owing to the color image that consists of R, G, B pixels, color image provides more information than gray-level image.
In order to enhance the detection accuracy rate, this paper develops a color image vehicular detection (CIVD) system by incorporating background differencing method with fuzzy neural network (FNN). A pseudo line detector is placed on the monitor to detect a vehicular image. A four-layer neural network is constructed and the network parameters are trained by backpropagation algorithm. Traffic flow scenes under different road environments with various lighting conditions are tested. Three-, five- and seven-points pseudo detectors are installed on the screen to compare the detection performance. Besides, performances of this new detection system and a traditional detection system are compared. It shows that the detection accuracy rates for this FNN CIVD system with seven pseudo detection points in urban streets or freeways, daytime or nighttime, can reach 90% or over. The performances of five- and seven-points pseudo detectors are better than that of three detectors. The differences of detection accuracy between five and seven-points detector are slight. The performance of this detection system incorporating with fuzzy neural network is better than that of the traditional detection system. Main reasons of failure detection are discussed. In the daytime, it is due to a resemblance between most gray vehicles and the roads. In nighttime, it is affected by the headlights and lane-changing vehicles.