標題: 以灰色關聯模式分析不同層級都市市中心商業區之特性
Using Gray Relation Model to Analyze the Character of Central Business District in Different Hierarchy of City
作者: 藍照鼎
Chao-Ting Lan
Cheng-Ming Feng
關鍵字: 市中心商業區;都市特性;灰色關聯分析;CBD;character;GRA
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 摘要 市中心商業區為都市最精華的地區,交通轉運便捷、商業活動繁盛,不論是在都市交通或是都市社經等各方面均扮演著極為重要的角色,然而,近十年來,隨著台灣地區都市的擴張、土地使用強度的增加,以及汽、車的普級,使市中心商業區都市特性發生了結構性的改變,帶來交通紊亂與壅塞的現象,此外甚至可能更進一步因此衍生出市中心商業區機能的衰頹與沒落。 有鑑於此,本研究針對市中心商業區之都市特性進行探討,特別是交通特性的部份。由於對台灣地區市中心商業區之範圍界定並無定見,故本研究從定義市中心商業區之範圍著手,並據此劃定各都市市中心商業區之範圍;接著建立市中心商業區之都市特性指標,將都市特性指標分為人口、汽機車持有…等八類,並對此進行指標的定量分析。 最後,依據都市人口及規模的不同,本研究將台灣地區七大都市市中心商業區分為高、中層級進行實例研究。運用基本統計分析方法,研究各都市特性與都市層級之間的趨勢關係;此外,由於市中心商業區之都市特性資料收集不易,本研究更透過灰色關聯分析模式,分別找出其中重要且較具代表性的指標,藉以探討不同層級市中心商業區都市特性的差異。
Abstract The Central Business District (CBD), which has convenient traffic transferring system and blooming business is the essence of the whole city. It plays an important role no matter in urban traffic or socio-economic. However, during the past decade, with the expansion of the city, the increase of land-use, and the popularization of motors, there has a structural change in the character of CBD. The change causes the traffic jam and disorderliness; moreover, it may derive the degeneration of function of CBD. In consideration of the problem, this study is focus on the CBD characters, especially in the part of traffic character. Because the lack of unified rule of the region of CBD, so this research starts to defining the region of CBD, and stands on the definition to delimit the boundaries of CBD. Then this research goes on with building up the CBD character indexes, classifying these indexes in eight groups, such as population, car owning…etc and proceeding quantitative analysis. At last, according the population and scale of city, case study is conducted using the examples of three high hierarchy cities and four medium hierarchy cities. Case study will use basic statistic method to analyze the trend between CBD character and hierarchy. Besides, because the data on the CBD character is difficult to obtain, this paper will also use GRA to find out important and representative characters, and to discuss the difference of character of CBD in different hierarchy of city.