標題: 衛星定位計程車引進後消費者叫車偏好選擇行為之研究
A Study of Customer Preference Behavior of taxi on GPS-based taxi despatching system
作者: 黃元貞
Yuan-Chen Huang
Dr. Lawrence W. Lan
Dr. Chieh-Hua Wen
關鍵字: 衛星定位計程車;敘述性偏好;整合模式;計程車;taxi;stated preference;combined model
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 計程車已在都市交通運輸系統中成為不可或缺的一環。為讓民眾安心乘坐及避免發生不幸事件(如搶劫、殺人等),除利用管制規範等來加強計程車服務品質外,亦可利用先進科技如加裝衛星定位系統(GPS)以確實掌握營業中計程車之行蹤。交通部運研所於民國八十八年起在台中市進行試辦衛星定位安全計程車(利用GPS、GIS、行動數據網路建構一動態計程車系統),未來台北市亦擬在今年底起開始引進衛星安全計程車,藉以提高計程車的安全性及經營效率。本研究即探討在引進衛星定位計程車前後消費者對計程車叫車方式的偏好和需求,希望可提供台北市未來營運及台中市改善現有衛星定位計程車之參考依據。 本研究設計顯示性和敘述性偏好問卷,調查台北市和台中市最近一年內搭乘過計程車的乘客,共計有770份問卷。調查項目包括:(1)最近一次搭乘計程車經驗,(2)個人基本資料,(3)敘述性偏好資料,替選方案包含路邊攔車及電話叫車。問卷回收後先以基本統計方法分析消費者特性及選擇情形,再分別建立顯示性、敘述性和整合模式來作分析與校估,以探討消費者對引進衛星定位計程車前後對計程車叫車方式的選擇偏好。 模式校估結果顯示,未引進衛星定位計程車前,一般民眾搭乘計程車時受搭車地點及搭車時考慮因素變數的影響,與社經背景特性無關。引進衛星定位計程車後,台北市以女性、較常於深夜活動、常使用手機計程車記錄服務、高所得、晚間搭車、單獨搭車、及搭車考慮安全性者較易選擇衛星定位計程車。台中市以女性、晚間搭車、單獨搭車、搭車考慮安全性、搭車地點為家中者較易選搭衛星計程車。整合模式的尺度因子皆相當顯著,顯示顯示性與敘述性偏好數據間誤差項具顯著差異,且敘述性偏好數據的誤差較大。顯示性偏好模式的解釋能力較佳,而整合模式則為較佳的預測未來新市場模式。未來衛星定位計程車之推行除建立模範之品牌車隊外,亦可加強使用族群之行銷策略及改善加強傳召方式,提高衛星定位計程車之搭乘意願。
The taxicab has become the most important secondary mass transportation tool in the nation. To prove the security of taxi, except using the regulation to promote service quality, also can use the advanced telecommunication technology for the development of a taxicab operation security management system. With such a system, we hope to prevent criminality from happening, and the operating time could be shortened. This research attempts to probe the customer preference choice behavior of taking taxi before and after introducing the GPS-based taxi despatching system. It is hoped that would supply the reference of the operation of Taipei and the improvment of Taichung of this system. The questionnaire contained three parts: the recent experience of taking taxi, socio-economic information and stated preference data. First using statistics to analysis customer characteristic and the choice behavior. Then establishing the revealed preference, stated preference and combined model to analysis and estimate to study after introducing GPS-based taxi despatching system the customer the choice of taking the taxi. Before introducing the GPS-based taxi despatching system, results indicate that place and the concerns are important factors to affect customers to take taxi, and have no truck with socio-economic factors. After introducing this system, in the Taipei, female, or who often active in the midnight, often use cell phone taxi service, high income, take taxi in the night or single, and take care safe are like to choice this system in the future. In the Taichung, female, or who take the taxi in the night or single, take the taxi from home, and take care of safe are like to choice this system. There is a scale difference between revealed and stated preference data, and the latter has a large random error. The revealed models have better explanatory power, and the prediction the power of combined models are relatively good. In the future, to enhance the popular of the GPS-based taxi despatching system, we can establish the brand taxicab, strengthen the member’s marketing, and improve the method of called.