Title: 有機蒙特納石與聚胺基甲酸酯奈米複合材料發泡體之合成與物性
Synthesis and Characterization of Organo-montmorliionite/Polyurethane Nanocomposites Foam
Authors: 邱麗娟
Keywords: 聚胺基甲酸酯發泡體;奈米複合材料
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本論文為研究合成有機蒙特納石/聚胺基甲酸酯奈米複合材料發泡體並分析其性質。以Tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane作為夾入劑改質蒙特納石,製備得到3OH-Mont,以PU硬鏈節含量為50wt﹪的情況下,合成有機蒙特納石/聚胺基甲酸酯發泡體奈米複合材料。 經由掃瞄式電子顯微鏡及密度分析結果可知,在蒙特納石含量為0.1wt﹪、0.25wt﹪、0.5wt﹪、0.75wt﹪的聚胺基甲酸酯發泡體奈米複合材料中,其發泡形態、密度與純聚胺基甲酸酯發泡體相同。 在熱性質部分,由微差掃瞄式熱分析儀(DSC)測試發現,各組成之軟鏈節玻璃轉移溫度Tg(Soft)並無明顯變化,耐熱性質也因有機蒙特納石的補強而趨於穩定,其中以組成為0.75wt﹪3OH-Mont之有機蒙特納石/PU Nanocomposite Foam的改善效果最為明顯(16℃)。 關於耐磨耗性之研究則發現,藉加入3OH-Mont所達到PU foam奈米複合材料硬度之提升,可有效增加其耐磨耗效率,最多可較純PU foam降低1/2以下(8.37﹪VS.18.17﹪);此外亦以SEM觀察磨耗表面形態,由PU foam奈米複合材料較光滑之磨耗表面再度驗證上述之推論。 吸水性之測試,顯示在有機蒙特納石低於0.75wt﹪時,分佈於有機蒙特納石/聚胺基甲酸酯奈米複合材料發泡體中的矽酸鹽層有阻隔水分的效率,因而使得吸水性降低;不過當組成為1wt﹪時的矽酸鹽層吸水率大於阻隔率而使得吸水率上升。
Organo Montmorillonite nanocomposites foam have been synthesized,and their thermal and mechanical properties were investigated. Montmorillonite was first intercalated with Tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane (3OH) to form 3OH-Mont and then was dispersed in the polyurethane foam contaning 50﹪hard segment ratio. It was found that the density and the foaming form of 3OH-Mont/PU foam Nanocomposites is close to that of pure PU foam at less than 1wt﹪ 3OH-Mont content. The thermal degradation temperature, at 5﹪weight loss, of 0.75wt﹪3OH-Mont /PU foam Nanocomposites was 16℃higher than that of pure PU foam. More, the weight loss of 0.75wt﹪3OH-Mont / PU foam Nanocomposites was much smaller than that of pure PU foam in sbrasion test (8.37﹪VS. 18.17﹪), and the abraded surface of PU nanocomposites foam is smoother than that of pure PU foam. When the amount of 3OH-Mont in PU foam reached 0.1wt﹪, a large decrease in water absorption was reached as compared to the of pure PU foam(2.35﹪VS. 2.68﹪)
Appears in Collections:Thesis