Title: 技術預測之應用模式-以有機電激發光顯示器為例
Application of Technology Forecasting:A Study on Organic Light Emitting Diode Display
Authors: 顏銘璋
Ming-Chang Yen
Benjamin J.C. Yuan
Keywords: 技術預測;三菱總合研究所;平面顯示器;有機電激發光顯示器;Technology forecasting;MRI;FPD;OLED
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 顯示器是人與機器溝通的重要介面,隨著科技進步及人們對顯示品質的要求日益提高之下,也帶動平面顯示器(FPD)的發展。目前在所有FPD產品中,只有液晶顯示器(LCD)是屬於較成熟產品,其他如電漿顯示器(PDP)、場發射顯示器 ( FED,Field Emission Display )等等都是因成本或技術方面仍有待突破,故需求尚不明顯,根據Standford Resources的統計,至2003年LCD的產值將佔所有FPD市場的86﹪,而PDP約佔7.5﹪,其他顯示器合計佔6.5﹪,故近幾年整個FPD產業將以LCD為主流。在眾多的平面顯示技術中,有機電激發光顯示器在近年來受到各界的密切關注,除了其特殊的元件特性外以及優異之顯示功能表現外,並不完全在於市場規模的大小,而在於其可用最少的資金,做為跨入前瞻性之新世代顯示器的踏腳石。 本研究以技術預測的MRI方法為架構,透過專家訪談的方式調查有機電激發光顯示器的技術發展現況,並針對其所面臨的關鍵技術問題之解決方案作一探討;另一方面找出顯示器應用產品之功能需求,配合技術調查結果進行有機電激發光元件技術之產品應用可行性評估。
The Display is an important interface for communication between people and machine . And with technology advancement , the development of Flat Panel Display (FPD) is driven by the increasing demand of display quality . Among all FPD products at present stage , only the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is more matured product , while there is uncertain demand for other products such as Plasma Display Panel (PDP) and Field Emission Display (FED) that are pendind break-through on cost and technology . According to statistics of Standard Resources , by 2003 the production value of LCD will take 86% of all FPD market , while PDP takes 7.5% and other display products in total will take 6.5% , therefore the LCD will be the main stream of the whole FPD industry in recent years . Among many flat panel display technologies , the Organic Light Emitting Diode Display has caught intense attention of the public in recent year . In addition to its unique device feature and excellent display performance , the OLED regardless its market size , will be the stepping stone to enter the new area of display with advance vision and least capital utilized . This study is based on the structure of technology forecasting by MRI method and on exploration of issues by professional investigation of OLED’s technology development status as well as alternative solutions of key technological problems faced;and on other side , the functional demand of display application product is identified and along with the technology investigation result to facilitate feasibility evaluation of the product application of OLED technology .
Appears in Collections:Thesis